My first Illustration #2

Jeh the title should be My second Illustration, right? #)

much better imo:
image: japanlanynagyszemekvect

This is a vector painting, it means it can be scaled as big as you can and wont be pixelrated. Drawn with hand (w mouse), so it's not just a ps effect!
use tha freakin table <
could you show the original pic as well?
and it's really nice btw ;)
image: 20079161223162311

well all the colours are gone from the eyes but i can take those datails on later
now i see where the big eyes are from :D
it's very nice, good job ;)
nice job then
must be "My second Illustration"
give me a 6000x6000 resolution one :D just to see what it looks like
6016x6051 = 36 MP :)

some corners and edges should be fixed but u can see it's datailed even in big :)
Wow it looks very odd, but still the same as in little zoom :o what program you use for these?
Adobe Illustrator CS5
Don't use vector drawings for picture-immitations. Yet, not bad, and somebody who actually draws it instead of live-tracing a png/jpg.
What is the fucking point of this ?
Get money from companies. -> buy big mac in mcdonalds -> no hungry i am
U live in hungary and saying ur gonna get money. Hehe, funny one
Who said I will work for hungarians? #)
Ur gonna work for that asian chick ? No good money there as well...
nice one :)
Still a nice work. :) Keep the good job.
Why is it a 1:1 copy of the original if you didn't just use a PS effect? Did you trace it and if so, what's the point?
Today, there is a growing interest in collecting and admiring original artwork that was used as illustrations in books, magazines, posters, etc. Various museum exhibitions, magazines and art galleries have devoted space to the illustrators of the past.

In the visual art world, illustrators have sometimes been considered less important in comparison with fine artists and graphic designers. But as the result of computer game and comic industry growth, illustrations are becoming valued as popular and profitable art works that can acquire a wider market than the other two, especially in Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and USA.

It can be used everywhere, in every size (not pixelrated). It's a kind of art too.
That wasn't my question. I was asking what the point is of either tracing a picture or using PS effects if you're an "illustrator".
i dont like the lips, they look like a banana
i dont like it:(
ow you can use illustrator, I'm amazed. :D
Your second is better than the first but you can be more realistic when you draw imo.

Here is one of mine : image: eagleoo
cool, used pen tool i guess
yes, you should check the artist "hydro74" :)
image: lolcopym

1 minute with the cutout filter in photoshop
I was just starting to test filters in PS myself too, since I thought the same :)
sean best PS user ever.

And the best Fops as well
Well done, I couldn't get it exactly like that with cutout in PS7. =)
same here (what do you think why i have the same coloiurs?), u didnt get the point i guess
nice work :)
picmip 10

nice selfbust
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