Modifying pak0.pk3


I need some help because each time I modify the files (gfx files) into the pak0.pk3 (that I open with pakscape) I can see the effects (e.g. : when i connect, my loading screen is different) HOWEVER it crashes and comes a pop-up : "couldn't load an official pak file ; verify your installation and make sure it has been updated with the latest version).

There"s one of the following log in the console when it crashes :

"Warning : couldn't find image for shader gfx/2d/crosshairk"

So does anybody has an idea how to modify the file without being bothered by that?
you not supposed to edit the official files.
good to see you here
Thanks baq bro (:
calm down bro
et isn't cs
You can't edit pak0 for daily gaming. it will produce a md5 error.
You can create a pak with a name like z_loadingscreen.pk3 for example. It will load automatically your changes if they are possible to do (ex: loading screen ...).
I was editing directly to the pak0.pk3 because creating a new pk3 didn't work for meh! but will try again thx :)
tip: make a separate installation for your moviemaking
Not for movie making
genre tu veux mettre des shaders transparents! avoue!
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