minecraft epic sandbox game?

did you try this epic game yet.
pirating it is a bit complicated but go to the piratebay and try this game out.

its all about mining stuff, building yourself a house, defeating zombies and stuff
Oh god Minecraft, if there's a reason I do bad in my classes besides playing ET, its this game :D
image: oximq59hp9ck
look at my house <3
i just started building tough
anyway the only way up that hill is the front since ive dug around the mountain xD
so much time wasted oh god but its funny as hell :D
Looks really really shit to me. If you want an awesome non-mainstream game you should try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-3Hb19Qc_Q&feature=related
But takes some time to learn, but its worth it.
"Looks really really shit to me"

Go try it. I thought the same before I tried it. Now I can't stop playing it.
waiting for someone to create a huge swastika...
is it playable on multiplayer? would be fun to see how gets the biggest house :D
yap it has survival multiplayer or something like that, playable it is over a software similar to hamachi.
fast torrent + description izi
ye i downloaded this, single player works, but when i start in SP i dont got a weapon to start harvesting and i dont got a house =(

is the multiplayer also saveable? so i start building my house and continue later on?
u never start with weapons u need to make those weapons! watch the video from original post above and the other parts and simply play by it (u can shrink the window or simply watch first)
i havent come much more further than you are, i was simply building a stupid house all day :D
i dunno but i suppose it should be. gotta get to work hope you are in for a round later on :P
wrong i jsut type: /kid tools
thats called cheating
it says, login failed, you must play online once before playing offline ;X

how can i fix that?
1) open Start menu, then click on "Run"
2) type: %appdata% which will open a folder
3) delete the .minecraft & .minecraftserver folders
4) extract the original 2 folders from the .rar archive directly into "%appdata%/roaming/" <-

had the same issue but it seems we both need to learn to read guides :D
I can't see the entire link D:
...u gotta be kidding me
thepiratebay.org/ paste the other shit
I can't see the end of the link....
my sp doesnt work 8(

e: i was stupid, didn't read the readme loLZ
haha look comment above
but glad u fixed it
awesome game though
pirating good indie games that you actually like
i would so fucking buy it this game is very nice
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