minecraft srv is RUNNING

are u coming or not :P
tunngle iP:

some1 link a list of craftables =)
i are not coming :P
I are not comming too
youriz trying to troull?
laul you iz mad? go paly ur offi & quik somme ace
ui jvais leché des glaçons au quick 8D
What's tunngle?
Why not just set up a proper server?
because i pirated the game and it doesnt work another way? :D
tunngle is like hamachi
my pirated version has a minecraft_mod.jar for hosting servers.
mine too but who will join <.< tunngle -> 10000 players online
i would, but i would not get whatever that tunngle thing is just for this.
ahso das wusst ich gar nicht dass das so auch geht o.O hab zwar den guide gelesen aber tunngle hat so gut funktioniert ^^ sowas :)
Quote10000 players online

also statt viele kleine hamachi netzwerke gibt es nur ein riesen netzwerk was alles umfasst oder wie?
für ding...verdreh immer den namen...^^ minecraft :)
gibts eines mit 100 usern im chan und eines mit 30 usern.

das ist aber bloß zufall ich nehm mal an der kleinere dürft mehr elite sein oO
aber ja so wie dus beschreibst ists korrekt
Lol, pirating indie games? How low can you go?
are you going to recharge my paypal account?
besides..the guy who invented the game has a videogamecompany so dont talk nonsense
He ran the company alone until recently. The last few weeks he has hired one or two assistants to help him.

That doesn't make it any less indie, however. Perhaps you don't know what indie stands for :-P
Welcome to 2009.

is it possible that my pc is too bad to play that game?:(
lol whats up
it lags like hell (rendering I guess) and it crashes after about 2 minutes
options -> set everything to low.
even ive had issues with this the game has a megatextureset...and ive got a decend midend PC which plays every game on highest details :D
guess it uses just too much RAM
u can toogle the fog too simply open options menu
ah k thnx will try that, my pc cant run the latest games since uhm 2008, got a crap video card (ati x600 or so) just hoping games like this at least work -.-
it is shit graphic but it uses much capacity
meh I dont get it anymore, looked on that site about the game, it seems my pc fits the recommended requirements (2gb ram, should be able to run the opengl stuff) and it still keeps crashing (just closes after 1 minute of chopping)
XP sp3 but I think I know what the problem was, played about 30 minutes last night so :) I guess clicking your mouse button 100 times in a row to chop wood causes problems, should have read about it first :D
Its mostly whenever you enter near territory that you've never explored b/c its trying to actively generate alot of random tiles, which is not incredible efficient, and turning the renderer down alot helps, like theres actually objects that can crash your client if the renderer is to high and you go near them lol
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