Coming in 1 week!

After all his amazing songs, our lovely multitalented Justin decided to write a book about his amazing life, featuring many things like how he got discovered and some really cool pictures of him. I already pre-ordered :33 What about you guys ?:$

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are u gay?
god damnit tw1zzt

god damnit
2e journal al van jou over die tjap, fanboii van Justin nigga pls. en btw, kan die donkey wel schrijven? :s
i love justin bieber ;)
you are gay anyway
me neither :/
zeh fuck i searched for some pics for you but i cant find any decent :O
He is a person figure to worship
can't wait
Hahaha, Loser kid can't find any girl for his clips which isn't taller than him.

nnice eng/2ish
Is this an autobiography, for a 16 year old? Surely it would go along the lines of Born, went to school, sang on youtube, got signed, had a few no 1s, written book.
oh man, this shit brings back memories of the backstreet boys hype :x
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