A new competition map for ET!


As all updates about nerdenburg seem to have come to an end, we, as a community, are still left with the same old maps to play in competition. I was shocked by this news and decided to take matter into my own hands. After long thinking sessions I have come up with what i believe is the perfect map for this game. I did not invent nor make this map, i just know it exists and I think it would be awesome to start playing it again. No its not some nerd map like fueldump. What im talking about gentlemen (and the occasional lady) is the super awesome leet mega pro map BEERRUN (b7a). This map has everything this game needs. An exciting first stage with multiple entrance points and a huge slope where you can hurt yourself trying to jump. A second stage that involves a keycard and the securisation of 2, yes 2(!) beer kegs. Now i can hear all of you think 'finally, we can steal something else then some lame ass gold, finally we get something usefull out of our efforts' and all I have to say to that is + fucking 1. So long story short, introduce beerrun!


have fun!
the map is shit lol

pub only map
you need to be more open :<
there 3 in favour allready! imagine...
Would be better then karsiah, still.
"Date: 05 Apr 05"

the map is awesome llol

scrim only map
try harder
played it while ago...better than b4 imo
Can't be that hard imo
i think it could work
Good map tbh :)
your map is for nerds only , sry m8 :(
none of the nerds wanted to test b2 :|
American scrimmers called they want their map back
i m gonna keep saying it; bring back railgun and village
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