lucid dream + grim reaper

WTF i mean i never have been scared like this before
not because of him or the fear that he would take me.. but somehow he took the control of the dream FROM me. motherfucker scared the shit outta me.
i have no fear from death itself but he threatened id never see my friends again ~~
and somebody died in the beginning of the dream darn
funniest night ever
what about laying off the bong for a while?
i can control my dreams, am i a wizard?
Nah, you're still a fag
why were you with me in bed tonight?
I love a good pair of big tits
so you would think you two have a relationship so he can CHEAT ON YOU, WHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i never had a lucid dream before
pm dave for help! he knows how to control griims
That seems a better nightmare then getting followed by angry dolls...
i once dreamed that im in an elevator and it fell down but noone died
from that point on i only use elevators if necessary
had a lucid dream once

was like "LOLOLOLOL IM LUCID LOLOLOL" and woke up :(
:D haha
u can practice this easy
You suck at lucid dreaming if you let a simple emotion (in this case, fear) let take control of your dream.
ive never trained lucid dreaming, its simply the same level as it was when i was little.
dont tell me i suck at something i never intended to learn, please.

Next time you see the dream slip out of your control, bend down and press your hands flat on the floor, and look at a fixed point on the ground.

Also how do you trigger your lucid dreams? :)

Haven't ever really "trained" to trigger them, but ever since I was small I just have them regularly and I've learned to control them better than at the beginning.
i dont trigger em or try to force em.
they just come by random, in the last months they appear more often for some reason.

actually, i know how to wake up during a dream, i know what to do to keep myself dreaming that is not the problem. but now this was the second time (last time was like 4 years ag) ive lost control like this, i mean it was taken from me and i hardly fear anything in life, i dont even fear death i simply dont care, everything comes like how it is supposed to be but this rly scared the shit outta me. i tried to wake up by rolling on the floor (because i was in my bed in a part of that dream) and i hit HARD on the floor in that dream and actually thought i woke up only to realize that this was just a stupid trick of that dream. easiest way to wake up is pain or simply shaking my head this wouldnt work those two times..rly i freaked this time. last time i would feel heavy pressure against my head for like a minute until i finally opened my eyes it suddenly was gone, all that remained was an awkward feeling and after googleing a bit i found out i was not the only one with issues like that.
sorry for telling you my lifetime story but rly oh man^^..
next time the thing comes up to you you quote this with a calm voice

"what the fuck do you want from me?"

trust me, makes them cry and run away <3
im waiting for that. gonna smash his head with my falcoooon ppuuuuuunch ^^
well, death was black tbh <.< he might baseballbat MY head first :D
Just prepare for it. The instant you're scared of him, you will imagine that he kills you. Imagining someone kills you in a lucid dream, you should know what happens :)
im not afraid of death :)
thank you !
strongly denying a fear of something often suggests that the fear is too deep and strong for you to handle it.

oh and you should learn to love whatever you're afraid of in the dream, as it's probably a representation of some subconscious issue you have in the waking life. haven't you read LaBerge's book?=D
nope i have read no books about dreaming at all.
listen, uhm ive had a similar dream where somehow again fear tried to take over, i turned around and asked "what the fuck do you want fucker"
a few times. they grow in number somehow i was just like "fuck you, dude" when i opened my eyes i clearly saw my room already but when i closed em i was dreaming again :D in the dream i was lying on the floor since i tried to fly as soon as i got lucid and shortly after i was bound to the floor for no reason then they came. well in the process of waking up my body was like ultraslow movement funny thing was my arm felt like responding the same in the real world :D
well seems im not afraid anymore thanks for the tip with the asking.
never had one.
I also never remember any of my dreams, have nightmares or have any other crap that could disturb my sleep.
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