Personal settings?!#153050

What settings do you use??

- Fov?
- Resolution ?
- Crosshair *size *color *type

- 120
- 1680x1050
- White dot 28

>> You must provide an actual comment

fov 90
sens 1.333
r_mode 6
crosshair white
800 dpi
windowssens 6/11
500 hrz

cfg @ profile

r_mode 6
crosshairsize 45, drawcrosshair 15 red
r_mode 8

crosshair size 49, drawcrosshair 15 cyan
image: shot0000ua

- Fov? 90-95
- Resolution ? 1920x1080
fov 90 @ 1920x1080 n1
He just trolling, that s a screenshot of my config with a green xhair goddamit! :D

+ what's wrong with fov 90 on that resolution?
oh :D I use same stuff, only cyan dot
uhu but what's the point that fov 90 won't work on that high resolution?!
that's what I meant :D

it'll work, but it's gonna look horrible
it's hard to aim decent on close distance with that fov? :-)
It's hard for me to aim with fov 90 on 1600x900 on close range yeah.

Great for long range and medium, but crap on close rage, the opponent will appear to be a ghost circling around you and you'll be like nooooo :D
idd da bedoelde ik daarmee da ik me ne fov toggle speel :p als ik aant campen ben en iets in t oog hou gebruik ik me 90 settings maar als ik weet da ze close kome, tunnel of stairs etc sta ik op 120 :)
cmon i cant make config like your look on details got already picmip 0 and still your details better :D
Other settings you shold try messing around with for detail



maybe look into your driver settings, having everything on preformance won't boost the quality for example :)
anyway cfg like this is too dark for me looks nice just on ss :P
haha die chick :DDD

image: evert
best friends for evaaaaah :D
1024x768 @ 120 Hz
WMO1.1A @ 500 Hz
6/11 windows senstivity
/senstivity 4 ingame
fov 100
r_drawgun 0
800x600 @ 76hz
no accel
4/11 win sens
2.8 ingame sense
fov 100
drawgun 0
crosshairhealth (owns)
38 crosshair size
r_mode 8
fov 105
dragun 1
38er crosshairsize, dot or the one ensam´s using,
gief ur cfg
fov 90
crosshairsize 0
r_mode 6
wtf is that chick? :D
fov: 110
r_mode: 6
crosshairsize: 35
crosshair: 5
crosshaircolor: cyan
ingame sens: 3
windows sens: 6/11
dpi: 600
accel: off
drawgun: 1 DUH
althud: 0
- fov 107
- 1680x1050
- cyan dot 39
fov: 90
r_mode: 8
crosshairsize: 30
crosshair: 5
crosshaircolor: red
ingame sens: 2.8
windows sens: 6/11
dpi: 400
Hz: 500
accel: off
fov: 90
r_mode: 8
Crosshairsize: 30
color;: cyan
ingame sens: 1
WIN sens: 4/11
dpi: 800
accel: off
drawgun 1
fov: 902
r_mode: 83
crosshairsize: 330
crosshair: 54
crosshaircolor: red
ingame sens: 2.82
windows sens: 6/113
dpi: 4004
Hz: 5004
accel: off
fov: 902
r_mode: 83
crosshairsize: 330
crosshair: 54
crosshaircolor: red
ingame sens: 2.82
windows sens: 6/113
dpi: 4004
Hz: 5004
accel: off
90 fov
sens 2
crosshair 9
size 38
r_mode 4
accell 0.05
pitch and others default
reso : 1680x1050
sens : 3.2
fov: 105

r_mode 6
1680x1050 @ 120hz
fov 112
playing in a window r_mode 8
crosshair red dot ~30
sensitivity 3.7 + accel 0.02
Fov 105
r_mode 8
sens 5.0
crosshairsize 50 + standard crosshair D:
fov 110
r_mode 6
crosshairsize 30
- Fov 105
- Resolution 1280x768
- Crosshair 38 green dot
fov 105/90
resolution: 1024x768
fov: 90-105
sens: 3.2 - 400 dpi
R_mode 7 playing at widescreen
white, dot, 35 size

graphics ook the same as urs only lower quality
fov: 102,5
sens: 3,5 @ 400 dpi
R_mode: 8
medium dot with health info!!!:DDD
800x600 resolution.
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