Musical hole.

Anyone feeling the same way I do right now? Most new albums and tracks simply don't have me interested anymore. Huge example is the newest album by Linkin Park, hope I'm not the only one who deems it pathetic. Most good artists right now are determined by their looks and popularity and not by quality of their songs, and music business is becoming a shithole. The only places where I can find music with decent quality and atmosphere is actually in video game soundtracks.

Sad day for my music taste. :(

Is bullshit right now. Was okay at the beginning, but my taste changed since then. I just use them as an example of how a band that used to make good music changes to shit music just for the sake of getting more szmal going into their pants.
give us more examples
i like the old coldplay songs, but the new ones sucks balls
Listen to Megadeth ;)
actually the first 2 albums of linking park were some of the best ive ever heard and thats absolutely not my style of music...
oldies > *
stop listening to mainstream
fuck yes, billy talent is mainstream.

np: Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Pezz ain't mainstream for sure. :) And I'm not listening to Billy Talent. Those guys also made a huge jump to $$.
billy talent mainstream?? :DDDD
Well, it isn't underground either eh :P
please, it's as mainstream as britney spears.

i've seen some single of them being played on mtv 10 20times per day...
haha ze melken die mss uit, ma da genre is totaal ni mainstream e.. tis wa ge onder de term mainstream bekijkt imo.. en da zal zeker paar jaar geleden zijn want mtv en al die andere muziekchannels zijn echt veel erger geworden tegewoordig zene.. al die amerikaanse belachelijke artieste, vooral r&b den helen dag door
well it's not underground is it? they've got millions of views.
There is only mainstream and underground.

There's also only low and high.

In fact while we talk about that one, there's only fucking ugly girls and premature-ejac triggers.

Have I already mentioned there's also just marginally thin and obese?

Learn to think outside of your extremes.
that wasn't my point, doucheface
yes, youre right.

i also got disappointed by Linkin Park's new album...

also Disturbed's new album is so much fail...the songs sound all like the same somehow.
I've had that feeling at Indestructible already. :/
I dunno, I just play tennis
there's shitloads of good music out there, all you have to do is dedicate way too much time into underground bands and you'll find good music
i have that for a couple of months now, there are no songs which i can listen 10 times in row anymore..:(
There's still a lot of sincere music made, music that appeals to me. I'm mostly into folkish/punkish/depressingish music nowadays and there's plenty of 'new' bands and albums in that area that I think of as amazing. You can also go deeper into the oldies (wut), plenty of awesome music you've never heard of there as well.
gief links for depressingish music, im not into that kind of genre

and if loazis doesnt like this, then I dont know
lol this is gay music, wished i didnt asked :X
be glad I replied, loazis likes tom petty & george michael
lol :D this was enough to get rid of my interest for that genre ^^
how is this depressive : D
I was actually talking about The National, not wsk's teenage emo stuff. But everyone to his own thing I suppose.
well i dno the National , so maybe give a link or sth, would be cool. and ye emo shit is like insta vomit
no I dont.

ofc it all depends on ur personal taste etc, but I can say that I can always find new good stuff to listen to. sometimes it takes a bit of effort... when I think I need something new I listen through radio for music similar to my 'taste' or I check a few pages (like for new releases or bands I never heard of, look for them on youtube and so on.

if that doesnt help, I go through my old stuff and I'll surely find something nice to listen to for the moment. or re-discover music I might not have liked in the past. even though I guess you won't have a music collection that goes like 18 years back as mine does :D
listen to mumford and sons, do it.
>MTV All Eyes On Mumford & Sons
best concert i've ever been to, by a mile, great live performance and genuine and nice guys overall :)
image: kings-of-leon-come-around-sundown-new-album-music-news


every album they released was worse than the one be4
dont think thats possible

» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
every album beside the first one :3
you obviously dont know where to look
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