Oral exam english :))

I have an oral exam in 3 weeks and I need a subject where to discuss about. Would like to get something that is playing at this moment. I have to find an article about it. Some subject like the mosque in New York, to put it there yes or no and why etc etc.

What is going on in England or America or whatever, when it is in english it is oke.

thnx in advance!
good its oral so at least you can use the time on your grammar instead of your writing.
but id try to stay away from political and cultural things... nothing with potential to upset people

are you a nerd or smth? planning forward??????
xDdd nerd dat ie planning maakt :DDDDDDDD
je gaat toch niet dingen voorbereiden, shitttt
My oral exam had as subject how to kill and cook a lobster

well, atleast i chose that subject ;D
Let the teacher suck your cock.
then discuss on how good/bad it was.
oralsex :D
use of media of the european youth
How about you listen to some bbc vid's, bbc.co.uk , all highly informative and entertaining, and might help you with your english a little as well :)
Aryan Brotherhood shooting mexican immigrants at the border and it being legal because it's "protecting the nation"
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously

welcome to the world of psychology
Het nieuwe parlement?
iets interessants zou beter zijn :))))))
Talk about your hobby, music, films, sports whatever. Don't make it too complicated for yourself. It's not about the subject, it's about your grammar and pronunciation. I did mine about guitars and my favourite guitarists.
brian may?
geert wilders
lets talk about the green stuff become more chemicale every day.
then 20% or more become psychotik ! :P
passed mine with 18 points of 20 , np
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