Imma go

to work! Do not want! :(
Got to work till 23:00 or later, and need to get up early again tommorows!
Going to Otyg to nerd some Fifa11 tommorow+saturday :DDDD

I also got this song for you:

His album is awesome :)

Haha I laughed so hard, really :P

#saiko PREPARE!!!!
#saiko PREPARE!!!!

edit: nvm@ pm
Quote by PMkom gaymen

Quote by Learn to read nerdGot to work till 23:00 or later
Quote by learn to read nerd edit: nvm@ pm
how intresting
how interesting
Tom brotha , vraag aan thomas of ik morgenavond ook kan komen :DD heb niks te doen
we gaan naar die broer in alphen, maar had geen zin om dat erbij te typen :p
nerd :( ik ken best veel mensen in alphen :>
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