statwhore.. omg!

I already had this to function, but now after installing the ET again, he does not give! help me!
"No games found. Please check it processed the correct log file - look in /etmain or /etpro."
no 2.60b supporting perhaps
2.60b is supported, works fine for me
do you have "seta logfile 2" written in your cfg?
needed in cfg? or only one time in console?
can't answer that. seta logfile 2 has to be the current setting. If you write it in console once, the cvar might stick with the value "2".
But if it's already written in your autoexec or any other .cfg with another value (maybe 0 or 1) and you write "2" in your cfg, the value might go back to 0/1 the next time you start ET.
now, work! tks*
allways need post comand in cfg! ;)
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