LAN server problem

I am doing a little 4 people lan right now but i have a problem, i host a server but it is not visible on other computers.. whats the problem? anyone has ANY ideas?
who fucking cares
lan is for nerds lol :P
disable the firewall.
dont play LAN.

problem solved
nice preparation
search lan servers only
/connect *ip*
/connect *ip*
It should.. You're sure they're all connected to internet?
Why would they need to be connected to the internet if they are playing on a local area network with each other?
low- in dit geval
/connect localhost:port
we have a winner i guess
whats the default port?
system control panel -> connections -> properties of your LAN connection -> properties of TCP/IP protocol

set a different IP for everyone, use as subnet, DNS should be the LAN switcher if it actually has one, if not use one of the comps as a DNS

put off windows firewall and any other firewall

windows+r "cmd" "net start"


THIS is a checklist for EVERY lan.
i have windows xp
Cool, I'm talking about Windows XP, because I never used and never will use Vista and I don't have 7 yet.
okai... tried it. theu hamachi we had different IP addresses, but still, it did not work. =/
the problem is that most LAN routers don't give out IPs to clients automatically, so you have to set it manually the way I told you.
i have tried full versions of win vista and win 7
i have tried tweaked/lite versions of win vista and win 7

win vista is a virus not a fucking OS
win 7 is a fucking resource consumer without equivalent output(my lite version of win 7 is stable and is not bad but not as good/fast as i want)

i am back to win xp nlited by me(twice) with everything working fast and smooth

all versions x64 ofc
Have to agree with Vista being bullshit.

7 is more for the casual computer user from what I've seen, since apparently it boots up pretty fast and lets you access basic programs faster than XP does. However, I also know that it eats up a shitload of resources.
Hence, I stay with XP as long as I can <3
also disable firewall on all computers.
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