sleeping problems

it's 23:39pm, I should be asleep, I have to wake up early tomorrow, but something's keeping me awake

halp :(
smoke weed

really helps
as a neuseant, yes
warm up a glass of milk, add honey and a zip of a good scottish whisky, and you should be fine ;)
not good to drink a milk before going to sleep.
true as in fats and calories. But if he wants to sleep then its a good option :P
no, not because of calories :)
But because u can get a slight cold, if the air is a little bit cold in the room.
At least i pretty offen had it after eating quark.
Its because of the milk structure, it stays in the throat
sounds funny, but its tru :)
motherfucker u solved my problem. I had a cold for 3 days and couldn't figure out from where i got it, and now i realized i drank a carton of milk before sleeping and the room was kinda chilly:) thx <3
better drink warm tee :)
i eat 500g of quark before i sleep atleast 3 times a week, will i die ?
bodybuilding food plan? :o
if you meant cleanbulk, then no.

anyway, will i die now? :<
his knowledge equals a cow
>rippetoe quote in profile
>see fitness related journal
>tell every1 how limit their knowledge is
>no1 gives a fuck
>2 replies in less than 20seconds
yes i am mad, and true fitness is full of idiots sadly
THE FUCK, seriously, can you be more imbecile than this?
what you just said is full of absolute bullshit
i drink it when i've a cold :o . works fine
close ur eyes and imagine sexy girl
u will sleep !
really helps
scottish whiskey is so over rated
whiskey is so fuking disgusting irl
You have obviously never had a proper glass of it.
and there i was thinking i liked you.

Irish and hating on whiskey? dudeeeeeeee

whiskey sucks ass

Turn your computer and other electrics off to start with *_*
If that doesnt work, try some dormicum.
wtf its friday.. party all nite. eh...
Psst, me and Evilynn are just looking whether the community is as nice as they were years back =)
me is ofc.... =)
No, party is on Saturday, got footie match tomoz ;o
we have a winrar who is lolcat
write a column, lol fag.
lay down and don't think on anything, clear ur mind:D
then just don't sleep, sleeping is overrated
actually its underrated :)
some of the scientists say that human need only about 5h to sleep, so what's the point of sleeping 10h and lose the most important thing in life - time?
if u have a really good sleep within 5 hours it would be maybe enough. The Problem is, an average person doesnt have it. The whole thing is actually individual. I dont think people sleep 7-8 hours because they want so, but because their performance by lerning/working decreases. The body maybe needs 5 hours, but the brain resp. CNS more.
And last thing: never believe everythink what scientists talk
I know, I agree with you, however I think there is a possibility to change the hours time, for example, few years ago I needed myself about 7-8h but now I only need 4-6h :)
i myself sleep very offen 6 hours, but still i feel its not enough, and try to catch up on some sleep at weekends.
Quoteit's 23:39pm


sleeping problems? seriously?
Nope, me and evi were trollin.
wank, usualy helps.
more, have frash, cold air in room, and dont be afraid of feeling cool a little, it helps.
stop thinking in bed about stuff or "ffs I cant sleep" it wont help you at all. try rather relaxation, count from 10 to 0 and with every number "relax" (in your mind put tension out) of some part of budy till you have all out. not you should feel comfortable and nice.. stay like that and you might get sleep soon :]
Do u drink cofeine :D? stop it ! actually I have bought new pillow so I'm sleeping well
well i can't fall asleep because my bed is uncomfy ;(
u need a women in there = very comfy!
oh plz im a nerd,such thing as women dont exist in my life
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