To be, or not to be!

I love this game.I know that this may sound like NBA but its not, this is enemy territory.
For the last 4years i played this game and i never felt regret for that.I enjoyed all the moments i had, all the leagues, all the cups and all the lans where i performed and i did almost all things i wanted to do in this game.I saw the new et stars coming as i saw the old ones leaving.I saw all the e-scandals and all the daily whine at crossfire but i was far away to imagine that one day i would be writting something like this to all the crossfire users and enemy territory players.
Unlike almost the greatest part of the players i start to play this game with my real life best friend.He was already skilled and with enough experience to teach me all the basic stuff about configs and gameplay.I started in a med skilled team as the newbie player or the promise player.He teached me everything about this game, the spirit, what was wront and right was i should do if i want to have fun with this online game.He showed me the crossfire and he even introduced me to forgein players.I improved fast and w:et become my favorite game.
Together, after 3seasons playing 6on6 on the same team, we finally reached the oc premier.On those days i felt like i achived something.I felt like at least the players were giving some recognition for that.
After 4years things changed.Nowdays im not playing so actively as i was in the past but i feel that things really changed in other crucial points.
Basically the comunity and the game was left in the hands of some loosers that had never understand or achieved something in proll of this comunity and they are simply the one who stay behind but this time with power in their hands and without shame or any kind of remorse for things that they do.
To be specific im talking about killerboy: admin that basically faild as et player and become the chuck norris of w:et, chasing cheaters and making polish jokes all day long in order to get some attention and the recognition that nobody gave to him before.
And the other one is the recent promoted chaplja, ex cheater that made some tool to detected cheats and that now speaks in the name of god.
This two persons are just too of the most influent and most dangerous persons in this game.They despise all the unknown players and as it was not enought they are now also playing stupid in front of their admin accounts as they dont have to justify any of their actions to the community.
In 5minutes this two persons can just ban anyone without presenting proofs without talk with the players involved and worst of all without proofs!
In 5minutes they accused and they made the decision about Strider/Dottore a respected portuguese old school player that was NC team captain and that never hack in the last 6years playing this game.
In 5minutes i saw an old school being diss and joked by this comunity.Without any respect or recognition for what he achived in the last 6years.
Is this really what we want for this game?No respect at all for our players?
Just think about this and think what you would do if something like this happens to you.And in the end answer this please:
-Where are the real evidences?
-Why they just dont show them instead of sayng "killerboys has it" or "chaplja has it"?
-Where are the slac ban appeals?
-We just quit Pb to be controlled by some tendentious admins?

thanks for your time
you wrote this again ? or copy/paste expecting it to be deleted?

It was 'moved' from news to journal
Quote- Playing since 2007
emo vktr always so negative :/
Quoteplaying since i rullade din mama

was din mama egentligen knas
dribble more please
this content is invalid

this journal is now about:
why doesnt it work:(
u made my day with this song, was looking for it such a long time
netjes wouter! thanks:D
The parody by NigaHiga is better :D
Member For: 3 months and 26 days
this is my fakeuser and this coming from an 8 months old user is so ironic :D
Member For: 8 months and 18 days
i already lost to accounts ok kid
yea he LOSTED it, what is the problem?
french people what else...
i bet that you cannot even pronouce the word "work"
too bad im not even french you nigerian horse rapist
i prefer zimbabwe
talking about his 3 month account when your one is 5 month older, thats really wise and mature :D
you see, if you lost two accounts, then why wouldnt he be in the same situation?

so, dear kiddo, what have you losted, again? :)
just check my profile and u can find my old account

Member For: 3 years, 6 months and 20 days + 8months of new account.

im sorry if i "losted" my concentration while i was speaking with you.
true about KB, he lets his own feelings get in the way of catching cheaters; looks at Poland sw1ruz (i think it was?) for example - kb was trying to bust him for ages, then he goes to the poland LAN and owns, pretty much proving he doesnt cheat

its a bit worrying that KB and Chaplja are ruling all the cheatlists at the moment, and even if it is me being a conspiracyfag, its still not a great situation to have
Totally incorrect, that just proves i don't let my feelings effect whether a person gets busted or not, there was a demo of sw1ruz and I decided not to ban him before the lan, ESL did ban him for it, same with jaN, I've been trying to bust him for ages but it's simply not bannable.

Maybe you're mixing me up with an ESL Admin after all.
but if you want to bust a player then you will look for evidence to bust him with

for instance, if you liked jaN and didnt think he cheated then im pretty sure you wouldnt spec his ettv demos etc searching for strange actions or whatever (forgive me if im wrong about how you try to bust people, im not a cheatbuster)

if you look for something, you are definately more likely to find it, and that is true anywhere, not just in ET
If I want to bust somebody I'm definitely not going on a witchunt (like spec his ettv demos), the only thing I will do is check if he has ever been banned by PB, if not there's nothing much you can do, except to wait for somebody to say "Killerboy check his demo on x pls" or give up :)
so maybe you didnt check the demos this time or are u blind?
you saw his demo on that day?serious
he's right with the point that this 2 persons having heavy rights and that heres not many respect against others.
Not gonna read. The text is so horribly formatted it makes my eyes ache. Also your grammar sucks.
so you read it? otherwise you wouldnt have noticed the grammar!
Just eyed it. Didn't read it through, really.
cool story but didnt read
"Where are the real evidences?"
"Why they just dont show them instead of sayng "killerboys has it" or "chaplja has it"?"
Because it is not a good idea to give away to pale and co the way their cheats are getting detected? furthermore, what do you expect chaplja to give you?! i don't even get what you consider "proof" to show to the community? you expect an ingame screenshot from striders pov or wat? i guess that's not possible.

but i agree that there should be some appeal system and i thought it was mentioned that there would be one.

"We just quit Pb to be controlled by some tendentious admins?"
[14:51:27] [@khaplja]

That's the Appeal System.
not working!your friend [@khaplja] already said that
he put it offline a minute ago
we were talking with him on irc for one hour.he dennied the right to appeal it was obvious i dont know why u still defending him.
Because he already appealed and chaplja checked whether it was a bug or not, he debugged the violation again and said there is 0% it was triggered by a false positive.

Anyway the Ticket Appeal System is working now:
he didnt show the proofs so he cannot say "is 0% it was triggered by a false positive."
that doesnt sound logical for you?
again: what kind of proofs do you guys expect? I only ever read "but there are no proofs" - but you guys don't say what kind of proof you want.
did you already made a ban appeal to Pb before?you know how it works?Thats the answer for your proof question.
No I didn't since I never was banned. But then again, stop comparing SLAC to Punkbuster. SLAC has nothing to do with Punkbuster at all. Could you please elaborate what kind of proof you expect?
probably logs or screenshots or whatever, evilynnigirl. forgive my noobness
He received a screenshot of the adminsection on SLAC.
Well, that's new for me. So what evidences are they talking about? And what did that screenshot contain?

This bust was like a finishing move to ET in Portugal, as he was on 1 of 2 active portuguese clans. Besides, he's an oldschool player.
I was there the whole conversation in the channel when he tried to appeal the ban. Not only he got pretty abusive towards chaplja, killerboy, other people in the channel and me, he also didn't accept the screenshot as a proof. The screenshot contained a list (including "violationcode" on SLAC) of recently busted players. He kept insisting for another proof, although chaplja and kb tried to explain him that he won't understand the logs anyway. Chaplja checked all in all 3 or 4 times whether the ban could be a false positive but he is 100% sure it isn't - if there would be a possibility of only 1% it could be because of broken hardware or whatever else possible he wouldn't have been banned at all.
Enough said. Finally other ETPlayers can understand what's going on. Thanks.
you're welcome
avi for LoL. :D
:D oki lets do it!
vais comer a gorda continua assim
he received what?just explain me why your talking and lying about something that you not even know?
lying? I was there myself. Why would I lie? What would my motives be? I do not even know that strider guy - I only saw him insulting all of us. Don't dare to call me a liar when around 10 others followed that conversation as well.

00:05… @khaplja:
00:05… @khaplja:
00:05… @khaplja: but you won't understand it anyway
00:06… @khaplja: the log is pretty simple, the explanation is in SLAC's source code
00:06… w4Yn3_ has joined #speedlink.anticheat
00:06… @khaplja: however, now at least you have something at the level of "GAMEHOK #123456"
00:06… @khaplja: this is where my explanation ends
00:06… Il_dottore: no i dont
00:06… Il_dottore: that means i used wat?
00:06… Il_dottore: aimbot?
00:06… @khaplja: Il_dottore: a cheat.
ok im sorry you were there.
check the second picture, its just an ip and a violation, is nothing specific.So why he cannot do the ban appeal?why chaplja said that was not worth it?
He never said it was not "worth it". He just said that he checked 3-4 times if it's really häx and he is 100% sure. Sorry.
the whole whine about "proof" is just an excuse for pricks to cheat and not use slac or to get busted and then whine. fuck you.

edit - btw check striders demo, i did, paid close attention, obvious as fuck
nobody is whining against using SLAC but the use of this program is not so simple as it seems.
im sorry that u didnt get the point.

edit- you must be some low- player if you think that he was hacking on those 2wars.
exactly the other way around idiot. you are the low- player if you can't see how his mouse movement and style changed within a map. it's not that the plays that good, it's how his mouse moves, he uses a very low aimfov or something (not really sure, dno about that stuff) but if you compare to aimbot videos (the mouse movement) then it's exactly like that, 100%.
fov 90!oh man how you can be so dumb?
what the fuck, how can you explain the movement of the mouse of fov? how can fov change the way the crosshair moevs? HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE? :DDD
looks like you are talking about a pro not even have the ideia how stupid you look like right now.
how stupid then?

Dude, he played bad all maps. But if you see how he plays in the first map, delivery, he plays awful, he is shit as shit someone can be. 2nd map it's like the player changed, his style and agressivness was totally different. The way he moved his mouse and everything changed, but the player didn't, and the movement resembles a lot of an aimbot.

and btw, why do i look stupid when everyone in this journal is fucking laughing at you and you can't even spell fucking elementary english?
cause u havenothing to say, idiot.
no, because ur a fucking lowbob and ur argumentation theory just suck

"The way he moved his mouse and everything changed, but the player didn't, and the movement resembles a lot of an aimbot."

what a quote

I already would be glad if someone could tell me how to prove it was a false positive and i'm innocent :)
fdx que wall of text. vou viver uma beca qd tiver tempo digo qq coisa.
clone de merda que me saíste
btw mete mais tabaco : )
por acaso devia fazer uma terete no chupz : )
eish o chupa-mos a ser falado na cf... onde é que isto já vai !
xiu, o aston vai banir-te : )
n quero ser chato, mas podes resumir o texto? :)
a journal should be long only of its filled with pictures or copy paste of the same lines over and over again

it shouldnt be long cuz of faggatory users who write lots of stuff :(O(O(:O(:O:(o

Seems like this story is structured by a 10 year old, doesn't really appeal to read.
The only active clan now in Portugal is called Naked Territory:

image: naked%20Territory
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