Hearing problem

Woke up 3 days ago and I felt like under the water with only my right ear. Should I wait more or visit the doctor on Monday ? Very annyoing..

Anyone had this before? Any 'solution'?
why did ur bf cum there
How do you know?
image: Reese_Witherspoon_Aug13newsne
go to doctor if you want hear at becoming years.
trough your head against the wall, water will come out. oh wait :Ss
under water? sounds like your ear is blocked up. See the doc, he will clean it out for you :) done in 5 mins.
done do this sneezing stuff i hope you understand me :D you hold your fingers on your nose and then you press the air out of your nose.. a friend did that and the result was that something in ear was fucked and had a scratch in his ear so he heard nothing on his ear for about 2 months

sry for engrish :D can't explain it at all <3
breath out of your nose while closing it,
the air will come out of you ears instead
just press your nose together with your fingers and then try to "breathe out" through the nose until you hear a crack in your right ear. should fix your hearing problem
tried yesterday and nothing
did you really hear a crack? otherwise you're doing it wrong :P
and do you only hear worse than before or does your ear also hurt or something?
hf damaging ear doing that l0L
Hmm I had this problem about 3 years ago. I woke up and I couldn't hear from one side of my ear at all. I got all panicky and thought I was going deaf. Anyway, turns out I just slept on a part of my ear for a long time. It was just blocked, just go to your doctor.
Pour some walnut oil in your ear before bed. You'll wake up being able to hear in 5.1 digital surround!
Are you sure it's digital?
We live in a digital age, of course I'm sure!
I have it once in a while, your doktor will put water in your ear by using some sort of tool and your ear will be cleared from all the stuff thats causing u to not hear proper, its mostly yellow, orange and a bit darker ;[
Probably because of all that sludge in your ear
was waiting for this
is that so populair in news ? i dont find that interesting
well i had that,whenever i went to swimming pool and if i dived under the water my ear was blocked for over a week,dno why *_*
maybe if you didn't have big black guys ramming their dicks into your ears, then water wouldn't be able to stay in there so long
i get payed well tho
I had a similar problem, but I couldnt hear a shit. Doctor clean my ear with water (with better way than finger ;p) and everything back to normal.
better way then finger ;p
i dont wanna know wat the water was
my english sux, what can I say :D. Doctor use small tube or smth like that. Put it into my ear and use syringe (without needle xD) with water ;>.
I know what you mean, just letting my imagination go and showing others a funny opportunity to do aswel. :)
get your ears syringed all they do it basically get warm water poured into your head with a special tool works perfectly. :)
You can try taking saltwater up your nose or nasal spray, it will clean the tube from your nose to your ear. If that doesn't work try ear drops. If that doesn't help, let the doctor clean it out.
put a straw in your ear and just suck the shit out of your ears should help, imo.

ps. it taste good lol!

you just got to much shit in ur ear, go see a doc.
vidrestart bug
go to the ent on monday, its prolly just blocked
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