Should i call the cops?

Apartment next to mine is having a party and its passed the time when they can have that much noise..

anyway.. should i call the cops and have lolz?
they are ruining your nerdy saturday? poor you.
Don't be a dick.
ofc, do it
i'd do it ¬_¬
yes, but you have a baby :E I bet he doesn't. :p

edit: oh he actually does.hmmm
:D sorry, totally forgot about your cute baby :$
i'd do it too ¬_¬
if they do it 1 time in 2 years, let them party hard
go party as well !
remember to take some alcohol with you
Join the party?
Do it for the lulz.
you dont have the balls to
you have no balls at all! :D
you could see them hanging @ lan when i was showering so dont lie
grab a bottle of booze and go over
fuck.. its saturday m8... comoon :D go have a party too.
What HugTheSub said tbh
cant, @ home with a newborn
bring him at the party :D

i'd do it too ¬_¬
do it xD
if you call i hope next you must call ambulance for yourself :D
considering you have a baby there I'd let it slide once, maybe talk to them and ask for a heads up if they are having any parties in the future, no one would benefit from a hate-relationship between neighbours,
I think I would like you as a neighbour.
okay, I totally forgot about your baby. That changes the whole situation ofc. I'd agree with kevin, let them party this time, monday go over and politely ask them if they can inform you before they party hard next time so you can make preparations for your child.
sounds like you are fuckin nerd

oh wait
yes, I sound like a nerd when I think about his child. totally agree.
never call the cops, fuck that shit homie
Btw a pro parenting tip: If you've got a baby don't let it sleep in complete silence. I'm not saying you should party in the next room but it's wrong to try to quieten any sounds. Else it will grow up very sensible to sounds at night which can really fuck up your sleep depending on where you live.
take the law into your own hands

image: shotgun-462x303
not funny but I admit i smiled
have fun with them no ?
stop nerding and get some girls
Funny but nobody said the normal solution: Go there and ask them to make less noise ^^
next step depends ...
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