Starcraft 2 Starting tips


just ordered sc2 and it'll arrive tomorow, but im very awfull in these kind of games, anything related i played are aoe2 and c&c3 and im not even sure if theyre actually related.

any tips i should rly do or not do?! the game good, how to play etc.

DL SC:BW now and play it the whole night.
After that do the turtorial in SC2.
Play 24/7 and go pro!
2 totally different games.
Well, to get a lil feeling for SC (and maybe a bit of the story-line) its better to play BW b4 you start with SC2
just give him a testacc for sc2?
BW was nice btw
nope, the gameplay is totally different and the focus lays on other points
Could you tell me why SC:BW players dominate SC2 then?
At least in the german scene its mixed up with warcraft 3 players 50/50 I would say, about the koreans its just more likely that someone who played BW will get a sponsor/team for SCII + for the most korean WC3 players there is no actual reason to switch to the new game.

And I guess there is no game anywhere compareable to Starcraft gameplay like ( e.g. C&C or R.U.S.E.)
Don't bother playing it if you suck at RTS.
There's plenty of other noobs to play!
true, just like me :D
16th in bronze div ^^
zerg ofc, with terran idd prolly be in gold already xd
Play as t , they are overpowered you can not lose !
Play alot of practice matches in the beginning and I would suggest that u watch some video's on youtube.

And always say GG at the end of a game ;D
cuz usualy ppl on sc2 are nice, and ppl on ET arnt..
youll be quite fast on a decent skill level
the only thing u really have to practice are which units counter others and to micro your units
and ofc scouting
a good MMM tax from a terraner will destroy everything..
easy to counter with high templars stalker coloss
whats an MMM tax?
Marines , Marouder , Medivacs
ahh okey, but im jsut rly bad with them :c to slow etc. btw how much of each type etc? and how to use it?
thanks, thats rly usefull
they got some great tax there but to lazy to search :D
that last guy sounds asain, and is very annoying x]
he IS asian :DD
but then again, they are the best in sc2 ;D
nice, i hate zerg tho x]
:DD i LOVE zerg,
used to play it but now i random
what race do u play? terran?..
not rly made up my mind yet, im loosing everything so far. started with protoss, didnt work, then terran finally won 3 games, then lost everything again, now protoss and i won 3 battles in a row now. so atm im favoring protoss but not sure yet
k, protoss is strong, just learn how to 4 gate and ull win game np ;D
whats 4gate? :D i just found out that warpgates are awsome, so i build 5 stargates, morph them and build an army rly quick, add some collosus and its pretty decent for what im used too :d
that channel is freaking awesome isnt it? watch a few thigns there so far :D
yea i learned alot from it, but the most important thing is that u can addapt & change ur tax when u see what ur opponent throws at u
true, but im rly bad at scouting yet, thats why i like terran for the scan, but im nto good with scouting bases yet :p (doing to much at the same time, building economy, expansion, army and then also scout is to much :D) but i found out observers are usefull :p.

but it helped me a lot yes, tho i dont know all counter units yet etc.
higher intelligence ;))))
the game is utter crap and ur already months late...
- release: 27. July 2010[1]
- game: SHIT
Care to elaborate on that?
as the release date isnt a possible subject of discussion i take it that you want me to elaborate on my findings concerning SC2 as a game.
well its SHIT frankly!
i got bored during the SP, didnt finish it.
MP wise the game is just like any other RTS (ofc with its "personal touch" like any game) but nothing that makes it really special.
i prefer playing dow40k any time instead of getting into that game.
why you might ask yourself as i stated that it is just as good as any RTS game.
well its the most mainstream game avi atm and that ruins the best games let alone a "only" decent one.
it is especially stupid to start playing it now if you didnt play SC1, if you suck at RTS and now that its released for quite a while (even the noobs got time to improve).
only case i can think of is: you loved SC1 (cauz that was actually outstanding for its time), didnt have the time/the mood to play RTS and use this as "a reason" to go back to playing RTS.
cant think of any oher reason.

here you got all my elaborated hate on sequels these days (you can pretty much xchange "SC2" for any recent title)
Yeah I'm not huge on sequels, but that's because the vast majority lack the production values of the prequel. Can't say that's really the case for Starcraft II tbh

Personal taste will decide whether you like it or not, but to say it's shit is a bit OTT.
Quotebut to say it's shit is a bit OTT.

hello, thats me. just the way my brain work. no offense taken i hope.
i know im late, and it looked nice to play sometimes
thats the problem with SC, you cant simply play it once in a while.
its "prac hard, go pro" or "eat shit and die"
im not looking to earn money with it or get med+ skilled, just want to play it sometimes in my freetime
its just really annoying to get rolled, constantly... more like exclusively
true, but ill play mostly vs the pc anyway :D
--> Make sure you scout the opponent, see what he is making etc.. if he builds an airport you know you should make sure you re able to counter it.. it would be dumb to make ground units that can't fire to air for instance..(duh!)

--> Make sure you build enough workers so you get a lot of minerals and vespine gas, however do SPEND the minerals minerals that aren't put into units or buildings etc are useless minerals, yes you can say i ve had 1K more minerals than you have but hey he had the units to overrrun you ;)

--> Know the map + try and take over the extra bases see second point = more minerals more units ;)

--> Know the units!!!!!! It's useless to send in your army vs units who are a perfect counter against yours.. in that case it would be better to retreat and counter his units with others of yours :) that's why people speak of units and counter units!

for instance if u have unit A but it gets countered by unit B of opponent u could create some of unit C (who are a perfect counter to unit B) to go with A :-)

If you do this however do make sure u attack with unit C ahead and not let ur A units be cut into pieces :-) (= Micro)
speelde gij ook sc2 fwa xp
Don't play zerg if you're not increadibly good or you'll most probably get your ass kicked.
i suck @ sc2 aswell :P just rolling against CPU's with friends or just against other noob friends - way more fun
-Learn which units are strong against which.
-As a terran, build a wall at the "choke" or ramp to defend lings or early pushes
-use your workers if there are 6 lings in your base
-scout with a worker, information about the enemy's strategy are important
-build multiple production facilitys (as a Zerg, use queen's larvae injection & maybe 2nd hatch in main base)
-as Zerg, expand the creep with creep tumors because your ground army is faster on creep
-if you have to many minerals -> expand OR more production buildings OR more units
-20 - 30 works at the minerals at every base enough.
-don't lose units in attacks you cannot win. it's better to retreat if you see that you cannot win that fight
-watch replays and youtube videos
-find some build orders like 9 overlord, 14 extractor, pool for "quick" speedlings (zerglings with speed)
As a terran, build a wall at the "choke" or ramp to defend lings or early pushes
the wall in is useless in a MMM tax..
The guy has just started, I sincerely doubt he knows what an 'MMM tax' is. Caretaker is just throwing the guy some useful tips, why both patronising him?
actually have to start yet :D but ure right :] first ill play vs the pc anyway
Play vs me first:<
there is just the fact that you dont need a line in with some tax.. so this part of the text is useless :s
All you're doing is trying to get a 1up on someone who's providing beginner tips for someone else. Justify it all you want but you're only convincing yourself.
Don't pretend you get anything he just said=D
most of it :) watched one game of the american championchips :p
build siege tanks they smash everything!!!

image: halolz-dot-com-starcraft-siegetankrush
da ist aber jemand heute hart am trollen ":D"
- scout
- learn the hotkeys!
- get a decent build order, check the cool internet!
- dont let arclite deceive u! he's noob :< X:DDDDDD
du hast doch wieso keine zeit wenn ich mir das game hole X:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
whats a build order check :d
build order :P i did fail i didnt mean build order check x:DDDDD
build order means at which supply count (worker/unit count) u build your buildings which is rly important ^^
no clue what u mean, but i guess itll explain when i actually have the game ]x
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