
is something wrong whith vegas7.0 because nobody use it.
most of the movies is made whith 6.0 but is it 6.0a, 6.0b, 6.0c, 6.0d?
and can somebody pm me link for dling vegas 6.0:)?
Jeah, whats wrong with vegas7? I gonna try it now..
ye, is it because nobody can get it illegal or something else?

NOBODY use it on the movie on swertcw..
dude serieus wat doe je ?
weetniet heb niet geslapen dacht dat je et zocht ;) nja zal et blijkbaar wel weer helemaal fout hebbe xD
dl the trail version of 7.0 from the offical website and pm me for serial:)
vegas 6 works great and why vegas 7 ? Imo 4,5,6,7 are the same
thanks, best comment so far :)
i have vegas7 but haven't used it, yet.

my last vegas version was vegas5.
i haven't even used v6 yet :o ..
i used 6 for ages and it works.

If it works, dont fix it!
Vegas 7 is full of bugs ,
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