mcdonalds, döner & pizza

Hello crossfire! I like eat these foods and would like to know which is more healtful? I always order at mcdonalds 3 cheesburges and cola light. Sometimes i eat only 20 nuggets. At dönerplace i order bread kebab or fransescana pizza. :)

image: 115
i think kebab is the most healthy , no idea how many calories whatsoever
most healthful fast food is sushi
2nd healthful is subway ( i guess )

kebab isnt thaaat healthful, but tasty ;)

kebab > mc donalds + burgerking
Subway can be more healthy depending on what kind of sandwich you're having.
not sure sushi is really fastfood tbh :s
as long as u only eat mc chicken or chicken mc nuggets at mc donalds ur fine
so 20 nuggets and cola light is perfect mix?
no its not dude, once a month maybe
kebabs are far worse for you than mcdonalds
just eat kfc problem solved
macdonalds <3

kebab <3

pizza <3

man i like you
burgerking double steakhouse with xxxl fries and 1l cola
thats how i like it!
eine sünde :D
kann trotzdem immer beruhigt schlafen^^
chinese food is proper
whats healthy? a marketing tactic
just eat plain lamacun... maybe with salade and onions
döner is healthier than mc donalds
Caloriewise they are all kinda the same, around 700 for the kebab, 900 for the burgers, and 700-1000 for the pizza depending on the toppings.

Healthwise I'd strongly suggest that the McDonalds trash is the worst, not only that it's full of bad ingredients it also just doesn't keep you full. Kinda empty calories, you eat them and 15 minutes later you could easily go for the same amount of burgers again. If you order fries with it you'll have way more calories than the other 2 options.

The pizza isn't quite "healthy" as well, however if it's a good one it's made from fresh ingredients and depending on the topping it can be considered a good meal. Really depends on the amount of cheese though. Less of it is simply healthier as it contains most fat.

I would consider the kebab as the best of those meals though. You should take it with chicken meat instead of the normal one if you like it, as it contains a lot less fat. A normal one comes in with a whopping 42g fat while the chicken version just contains about 9. (the normal one tastes a lot better though =)). Other than that the other ingredients are fresh vegs and some sauce. Go for a joghurt or just the spicy sauce if you're looking for even less fat.

Considering the price of a kebab and the time it keeps you full, it's definately the number one fast food.

(You could also consider some Subway sandwiches, check their page for nutrition infos. There are a few really good ones, yet also a few that can't be considered healthy)
Thank you =P
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