lol killerboy??

ultimate nerd on CF + cb admin (x2 nerd) = 30 comments a day on crossfire
goddamn nerd
everyone agrees that you are bigger nerd
how ironic that this is coming from you and your 1000 movie and series journals .. watching all this shit should keep you busy for 20 years.
who are you to judge me? and how come watching series and movies is nerdish? who the hell are you? aren't a very bright one might i say
Not that hard :>
No man I partied with KB at LAN and he is mad like us :)
Jealous nerd is jealous...
you speak about yourself, right?
No, I didnt make a journal about killerboy. Dunz did and he is jealous
ootko muute huomannu yhen asian? tää vitun kikzz jätkä replyy sulle vittu joka kommentissa ja yrittää dissata :DDDDd HAHAHAHAHA
En oo kyl huomannu ketään yhtä joka replyis mulle, aina joku tulee haukkuun mua :( Mun mental balance alkaa kärsiä pikkuhiljaa! Saatan olla seuraava kouluampuja maybe? Oon kyl tosin töissä koulussa enkä oppilaana mutta se ois ainakin jotain uutta että työntekijä ammuskelee
En oo kyl anyone noticed that one replyis me, whenever someone comes haukkuun me: (My mental balance begins to suffer slowly! I might be the next school shooter maybe? Oon kyl though I am a student working at school, but at least that'd be something new that an employee shot my
Have you noticed amends upload a thing? MPLIANCEWITH fucking kikzz replyy sulle dude fucking a comment and try to dissata
google translate is funny thing :DD
killerboy = retard
you are both nerds !:O
hi duNzy

how are u?
all nerds
u both are nerds but killerboy can ban you for nothing and you can only spam about that he's nerd =)
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