Re-occuring problem

Connect to a server and BOOM... kicked for...

image: ggsg7

Any ideas why this happens?

Only started doing it 2 days ago in the middle of the 2nd round of a game...

Can't play on any PB servers anymore ;'(
2nd time: its a sign, get a life :)
true true...:D
stop cheating
More cheating jokes pls, anyways you might want to remove some processes by using alt ctrl delete

pbss plz
truth a joke oO ;o
just help the guy iso screaming remove hax
goliath , juize, venom, shmoe, skydeh


retardconcentraition exceeded the allowed limit

remove journal pls
i asked some guys @ school.

do you changed something at your network @ home or installed any programm?
if not you have to update drivers or reinstall et or .... dunno

if nothing works -> format and then try again :)

gl <3
Annoying, it took 2 hours for me to install ET.
its not a cheat <3
update drivers and shit
step 1: come to malta
step 2: play from my pc (it sux but i can play :D)
schritt 1: unterhosen klauen
schritt 2: ???
schritt 3: Profit

so einfach
i would never steal someone's underwear!
sry but you have to
mission impossible 4??
what sort of programs do you have installed that interact with windows majorly, e.g. windowsblinds type shit

or even whole new shells like litestep
WIN-API has sth to do with ur .dll files in ur WIN-directory - which means these r files which r needed by ur WIN
seems like u have to install WIN again if u cant fix it by installing ur drivers again...
Its PB problem! Evenbalance will fix it sooner or later.

I formatted my harddisk and installed only win xp 64, still had same problem.
I think I MAY have fixed it. Reinstalled my MOBO drivers.
hmpf, ill try that too when i get back to home.

Just very hard to believe it could fix it because i reinstalled everything (only necessary drivers) and had same problem.

Maybe somehow graphic driver or some other driver screwed up mobo driver.
11/03/2006 11:08:22 - "Glenn Courington"
Note #4: We discovered a problem and have now rectified it. Please try connectiong again, and if you are still having the problem, add another note to this ticket and we will continue to troubleshoot.

WOOW! Evenbalance finally did something to fix it.
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