
Hello Crossies!

Today I did something that I should have done like 2 months ago. I bought a new phone for 30€. Nokia 5xxx something.

At August I got new phone which is Sony Ericsson X10i and let me tell you something about new and old or high price and cheap .

With the new and expensive phone like Sony Ericsson for some reason I just could not hear when my phone ring. At home I hear fine while I'm in the same room. If I'm walking outside and phone is in my pocket its a miracle if I hear it ring. Vibrate does work, but it is so small that can't really feel it either.

Answering a phone when somebody calls is not an easy task... especially when you are under the influence of alcohol. Trying to call somebody is not an easy task. I need to press at least 10 times on screen to phone start to call somebody. Only plus is that sending messages is very cool, because you have whole QWERTY keyboard.
Now, about the battery life. Full charged phone lasts 3 days MAX and that is when everything is shutdown that eats power. 2 days max if you use Wi-Fi for 30min.

Good things in 30€ phone is that I can hear it very well when somebody calls, the vibrate is so strong that I hear vibrate sound before it starts to ring. Answering a phone is very easy... JUST ONE BUTTON! Phoning somebody is easy too; need to click only 2 buttons.

So, yes my Nokia 30€ does not have 8.1 megapixel camera, Google maps, GBRS, Wi-Fi, and Android software. But it does the job. I don’t miss calls, I can call and send messages and even listen radio! Battery life full charged is about a week, 7 days with everyday usage.

As I talk with my friends who have smart phones like HTC Desire and Samsung and they all have same problems.

Tell me what good there is for a maps or GBRS when you don’t have Wi-Fi in every place? Well yes you can have Internet on phone and pay for it monthly, but still. Our conclusion was that most of the smart phones are toys and never was invented to be phones.

Same things happens in other regions where they try to take something that has one mission to do and make it do everything else except what it was made in the first place. Business... you have to love it.

Sorry for my bad English. I'm not good in writing.

Insted of a hot girl I give you great song :)
I approve, I own a smartphone but only because I got for 15€ otherwise I'd have bought some oldschool nokia since I only use my phone for calling (sms 1 per month max)
My Blackberry is broken aswell, oldschool cellphones rule!
I tricked a friend to buy a smartphone and took his old one :P
I has nokia 2720 that does all the things you mentioned for 30e!
I have a double hand me down Blackberry because my old phone broke, I can get a new free one in January, and honestly I will get one listed as free, they're not the best but some of them are solid phones and don't have shit you don't /really/ need. I mean I kind of would like a smartphone but I can't afford it right now simply.
beat ya with my samsung for 25€

best phone, battery lasts 10 days
image: nokia_6310i

I have been using that one for a couple of weeks now and I have to say it's pretty awesome! It's a bit too big in my opinion but damn the menus are responsive, you can use shortcuts, it has got the classic Snake and one charge lasts forever.
Best PHONE that Nokia ever made!
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