Justing bieber book:>>>>>

image: 2j31pa8

Our favourite teenstar JB has finally released his long awaited book! Ofcourse I pre-ordered this masterpiece and I can't wait to start reading. I really want to know so much more about his amazing life and there are so much exclusive pictures in that book O.o

have fun at work or school :>>>>>>>>>>

you so lekker lars
feel sorry for anyone buying that book
hes soooo adorable
schatjeeeee xd
Hes getting tons of pussy
fucking geldwolven
First Step 2 Forever sounds like your standard lowskilled 13y-old Poland Polak fragmovie title
hes 16 and writing a autobiography, looks more like a folder to me rather than a book..
13936 tards like this shit :s
need to get this
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