Rusty tent pole

Could anyone explain more about this?

QuoteA rusty tent pole, is a sex position what the male will lick a girls anus to loosen it up. While she takes a laxitive. She then diaria's on the male and he then uses it as lubricant to put it where he chooses. Best preformed after eating, mexican or chinese.
Josh: My dick still stinks from that rusty tent pole on friday night.
doesnt beat the dolphin sex picture tho!
you missed a picture with actual dolphin sex
I was not! dolphins are nice ppl also they are very sensual
its dirty
doe es rustig man, moet nog ontbijten
its for niggers
cool story bro
crooks - ring om je vinger
i prefer the shiny meat slab technique
What do you want explained, it gives you a great description.
i was like, ah sure ill explain it to you, but after one sentence i was like wtf :o
it's someone with bad English trying to sound like they know what they're talking about :)
i'm 12 and what is this?
I prefer goot german sauerkraut shit but ok
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