Breaking News - Rescue

AFTER months of painstaking work and a three-hour delay for final, methodical safety tests, the first of the Chilean miners has been brought to the surface as the world watches live.

already 6hours old news
It's kinda mean but I had to smile nevertheless.

image: Ld5pA
actually there are already 4 guys rescued. (that was 3 hours ago)
old, heard it at 7 at @ news
Casek finally out! Fortunatly he had inet inside of that hole.
Then why did they even bother getting him out? :'(
lol you are wrong, he don't need to get saved he lives down there for 10 years already lolzoe
They're going to be so pissed off in Chile when they get down the mine and only find Bart Simpson's walkie-talkie.
Made me smile ^^
dont care, so tired of turning on the news and seeing this again and again and again (and again)..
good for them!
Watched it live, 2nd guy was very happy if somethin fails nao he needs to jump back into da hole abd wait another 70 days for rescue
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