Do we really need it?

Do we really need an anticheat system that hacks into our paypal and moneybookers and accounts and steals our cash?
yes we need it
the question you should be asking yourself is: do i really need to play this game?
yes, this way it can check whether you are buying haxes for online games
dno, i just got bluescreen of death and couldnt open my computer
i dont pay anything over the internet/dont have any money on the internet, so i dont really give a fuck
i installed slac and 5 minutes later, my full rune and rune scimmi were gone
i can give u new one, np
ill give ya level 19 account m8
dno, i just got bluescreen of death and couldnt open my computer
lols i installered slac and now my pc is crashing and my moneyaccount are empty :s
I installed SLAC and now the mineworkers are saved :s
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