Weird square :s

Hi dear CF user in front of your screen!
I hope you had a nice day. It's fucking cold here, like -1337°C on my nerd thermometer. :X

Anyway, after being with my girlfriend the whole afternoon I decided to turn my pc on in order to check what's new on CF. Suddenly, I see that shitty square EVERYWHERE it's watching me even on my desktop :S

Need help CF friends!

image: wtfr

Good job VaticanPHOTOSYNTHESIS friend my 5000th clickzor :}D

Because a journal without shoutouts and sexy girl is shit.

image: sashaGrey

genesiz, dual, mamouth, baptiste, sHnz, nicon, Aniky, mnew, rizkkk, szczurek, d4vid, NielsAlbert, Nickje, zentic, relmayer, sixix, Tanguy, applesauce, kama, tazor, lover, goku bronasty, dual, spor, tobi, tomoyo, jAck, nismeau, noezify, scRimi, haokakao, pancho,Alone, kristen,midnajt, shaun, mott4us, playm8, azuki & basty

Much love in next journals...

Eheheh now I can go sleep.

Sweet dreams & good night.
hmm strange i saw you playing et :|
you have windows 7

you had a program over firefox, this caused that small bug, it is sometimes also caused when you put your mouse to the bottom right and it shows your desktop, but when you remove your mouse from there it reverts back to the program you were viewing, leaving an "overlay" of another program which you had open.

If you (hard) refresh or close/minimize firefox it should disappear.
Ya, I have exactly what you're talking about even if I run Win vista.
Restart, fixed, np.
le troll!
QuoteAnyway, after being my girlfriend

Undetected talent in here, you shemale//transsexual ;/
porrada.cmd :DD
windows 7
windows 7 shit =]
use win 98
thx for shoutout brah
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