gg, AGAIN!

for the 3rd time this week i'm making a journal about a problem with my pc, imo ban but k... i had an gigabyte mobo but today i changed it for an asus A8n.. which means i only took the gigabyte out and did the asus back in.. BUT now when i start-up my pc doesn't BEEP anymore and i dont get a signal from my pc to my monitor which means i dont see shit -.- ... anyone got an idea?
Are you sure you connected it correctly? :)
hmm :P, think so a guy who knows quite much about pc's and stuff was here 2 and didn't know the awnser either :x
-but normaly a pc has to recognize a new mobo right?
well i had a quite similiar situation, but after few hours of panic and almost suicide I discovered that i haven't plugged one single fucking nub connector correctly and my mobo was like not there - no signal, no picture, nothing. ^^
ah ok, i'm already hanging up a rope in my bathroom, ppl need to reply faster! :D
not connected properly :-D
just let a pro do it ...
10% of this community is pro ^^ , maybe there is someone out there that knows how to fix it be4 i call a pro
Well how do you think how we can know what's wrong not even seeing how is your motherboard connected to the rest of the system?
i just was on a site where people had posted all sorts off solutions but none worked out for me .. i thought maybe someone posted about a simular problem which he solved in some sort of way .... and then i could try that 2
Remember to plug in all the power connectors for the mainboard and gfx card.

Faulty components can be: gfx card, mainboard, cpu, ram and psu.

The lack of sound can be because you mounted the speaker wrong :)
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