This is ET movie

Give a real, overall rating please

I'm going to have to agree with olBaa and say 6.5/10

image: imager
journal worthy.
delete this shit
Its far over average imo only a few things could've been better 7.5(maybe8)/10 or something like that from me : p
over 9000
"This is ET" and you can only see smg and rifle frags nothing else.
-look at agons comment
why so negative? it can be always better and everyone has different opinions or idea's and this could be better and that, maybe you guys start making your own vid and then you will see that it is not so easy to create a perfect movie. all in all it's much better then the most ones here on cf so it' no shame to rate it between 8 or 9 of 10!
i think i gave a around a 8 overall
Quality - 7.5/10 - Colours were quite bland, wasn't the best quality I've ever seen.
Content - 8.5/10 - Self explanatory.
Editing 6.5/10 - Wasn't really anything special that made me think "that was pretty cool", didn't notice much sync if any at all.
Creativity - 8/10 - Some nice touches.

I'd give it a 7.5/10 overall.
quality only
6.5 because of the content
6-6.5 is fine, the shoutcast part is horrible with the sound level change
nice boobs
6.00000000000000016 to be more accurate!
owned your whole noob clan, v55
havoc messed up smouse, merc, 999'd internet and vent

ye wp man
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