good motherboard?

Dear Crossfire users!

I would like to buy a new pc and I want to buy it part-to-part,
since I dont have the money to buy it now all. I want to start
with an awesome motherboard what will be good for like 5 years.

I already have one I really like and it feels the best one in his
category for this price...


any other recommendations? experiences?
I want to build up a high-end pc in 1 year, thats my plan.
I think this motherboard would serve me well and i heard a lot of good
things about gigabyte...

my limitation is 200 euro, i dont want to spend more for a motherboard.

P.S.: okey for those people who know shit about computers dont talk so much.
ever watched how the things going in the pc market? 1 year is not so much for a high end motherboard... it will be high-end 1 year later too. the after 1 year it will be outdated guys live in the past, it was true 6-7 years before, now its an other theory, evolution of computer parts arent that fast anymore.
"I want to build up a high-end pc in 1 year, thats my plan."

you think prices will be the same in 1 year?
Apart of that; if you really 'build up' a PC thru the year, it will never be highend.

like they say, 'what you buy today is old tomorrow' :P
why not to gather all the moneyz and then buy a proper pc ?
1 year is kinda much, the first parts you buy could be out dated already when u finish ur system lol :D But that's a good motherboard. msg pala for all this kinda things.
Your plan is doomed. Don't do that, really. Start saving up money and buy everything in one bulk.
(Y) Agrees. just do what this guys says.. it wont be worthy to just buy a part, then next month another part.. coz that part you would buy a month ago, would be outdated.. so just get the money first :)
gimme those 200 euros. in exchange, you will get protection.
wait till the sandy bridge chipsets from intel, prices will drop down and new motherboards will be introduced
pala delivers
next year sandy bridge ( from intel ) and bulldozer ( from amd ) is coming.
buying pc part by part is stupid.
forget the bulldozer chips ...
frikandel dirty
go for asus stuff
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