Populous: The Beginning

Despite having some minor flaws in balance, dumb AI and some bugs and glitches. I found this third game in the Populous series to be amongst the most fun and enjoyable RTS games ever made. Mostly due to the comic touch and grand feeling of actually being God that is so evident in this game.

image: Populous-the-beginning

Anyone else played it? What do you think about it?

Saw Adrian Lux playing live yesterday night btw! Was awezymness.

played it in the past but became booring fast
that has already been the 3rd in a series?
wow didnt know.
was one of my fav games back in the days (when people still used to play awesome bullfrog games!!!)
It came out in 1998.. Duh :P
ye i said back in the days of theme hospital and that bunch
Yeah, great games tbh. Just sounded as if your where surprised that there had been a 3rd entry in the Populous series ;)
u sometimes forget how old gaming actually is ;)
I have been looking for ages for the title song of the original game on the Commodore. It's such an epic tune!

This is the closest I've found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ug8S7Sklpk
That does sound awesome, much cooler than the soundtrack in PopTB
played it like 10 years ago and was so addicted :D it was way too good.. couldnt get it working on xp though :(
Try running in Windows 98 compatibility mode and try changing the resolution. Switch between the different graphic alternatives. Eventually got it working nicely on Vista here :) As well as on Win7
ow nice! i must try it out some day, would be kind of nostalgic :) like playing ET after 10 years when youve totally forgotten everything about it
what exactly did you do to make it work? i ran it 98 compatibility mode aswell as in 640x480 resolution. switched windows resolution to lowest possible also. the game wont run :L
Basically I ran it in Win98 mode, and switched to "Medium" in graphics. Also, try running it in either Sofware Rendered mode or Direct3D.
either software or directx option won't run the game and i cant run the game in the first place so cant set the graphics options either :L trying to patch it now
Damn. Not really sure what it could be then. I'm no tech genious, I just tried some stuff and eventually got it working :<
+1 ausome :D
just started installing it again, u should do the same :))
uhhm you think it works on w7 :P
zymon said he got it working!
K gonna try then cu
tell me if you get it working
Got it working just fine on Win7. Couldn't play on the best resolution, but with some fingerskills you can easily navigate and get a good view over the battlefield anyway :)
Never really played it, preferred turn-based games like Civilization "1", Colonization, X-COM series, etc.
Not bad games there either :>
I remember this game, was great fun once you started getting those badass powers :D
Yeah! Placing a Volcano in the middle of an enemy tribe's settlement is much satisfactory ^^
Haha yeah, TAKKA!
old game, never liked it
All games by Bullfrog are epic, imo.

Played Populous quite a long time, same with Theme Hospital and Dungeon Keeper.
Syndicate !
I've only played Syndicate Wars, not the original.
Dungeon Keeper!
i got a copy infront of me right now , 1 epic game
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