In need of headphones / earbugs

image: sony-mdr-ex36v-ex-earbuds

Since I listen to music practically everywhere I go and my old earbuds seem to have broken (the left speaker now is significantly quiet, the other one is a LOT louder and it's annoying to listen to it like that) I'm thinking of getting myself new ones.
We're not talking about what I'd like to use / will use with my computer, since I have a Speedlink Medusa NX 5.1 there and I'm pretty happy with that.

My main three needs are:
1. Portability - Either earbuds or headphones that can be worn on the neck -> that don't look too bad. Would be also nice if they don't get broken too fast.
2. Sound quality - if it's headphones, the quailty will probably be okay, but with earbuds, I hate it if they can't properly enter my ear. That's why I prefer plug-ins there.
3. Price - I'd like not to go above 40€...

So some questions to you pros out there.
1. Is there any headphones you can recommend to me?
2. Is there a way to fix my old ones so I can continue using them? Was pretty happy with them.
3. Are image: skullcandy-lowrider-headphones-chromeblack-13193527 still "in"? :D
Steelseries Siberia v2.
You wont get any good quality headphones under €70.
give me a good headphone that stays comfortable for more than 2 hours, gives good sound and have an overall good quality with a price lower than 70 euros
improve your research skills if u haven't found some yet :/
Expected comment

and Im not talking about a headset, talking about headphones :)
man just stop it you marketing victim

are you judging headphones based on physical measurings or what... you get good enough ones for below 50e, just go buy from a solid brand...

the gap between 5€ headphones and 50€ ones is huge, anything above are marketinggags and/or for audiophiles imo
I have no clue about headphones what so ever, so I also dont know about the brands. I just searched google and asked some people for help :)
100 euro

e: cheapest is 75 euros
WeSC Bongo :3
Seen those, but I couldnt find any good reviews bout them :<
I actually have Wesc Oboe I just found out and I like it alot :)))
just for the style
I'm using the Steelseries Siberia v2 :~>
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Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles:

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how you broken these sony mdr ex36v actually I got the same, maybe you can give me some advice how to not broke them :D
No idea how exactly it happened. One day, the cable was a bit slid out of the cinch, and exposed to the outside. Taped it off, but it didn't hold out much longer than a week. It was a beautiful six months with them :(
Quotehow to do not broke them

image: lolwat

fuuu, pic aint working :<
how to ain't broke them ?
pic is working after all :D

Quotemaybe you can give me some advice on how to not break them :D

would be better, but not perfect I guess :p
How to avoid breaking them would sound better, but how not to break is already gramatically correct english.
ye, I know but I just couldnt be arsed making a complete new sentence :D Im trying to find cool movies downloadable in HD, but I cant seem to find any good ones :<
Try Zombieland, there should be a blu-ray rip of it. :)
Already downloading Robin Hood and Knight and Day now :) Will try zombieland aswell :)

The Losers was also cool :D
Just the usual iPod ones are fantastic
You definitely have no idea what you're talking about. I actually have a pair of working iPod earbuds here and they're horrible. I'd rather shove a chastity belt up my ass than use them.
Shut up, In my opinion they are great, but that's my opinion and not yours.
Koss Porta Pro / Sennheiser PX100. Nice sound quality, nice price. I'd prefer PX100 but Porta Pro seems to me firmer.
BTW all the Skullcandy headphones i tried had terrible sound quality.
Thank you, I'll avoid them :)

Porta pro's in a good offer at Amazon now, 30€ instead of 50€... Definitely in my consideration, thanks.
I second that guy, PX100s are pretty decent!
skullcandy are terrible

Get something over 100 bucks to get a decent quality, from Monster or JH Audio :)
I had speedlink medusa but they went shit after a year or so, decided to throw them out and get some Sennheiser CX550, fuxking amazing earphones!

They are on offer here atm
sennheiser HD 555 - no microfone, but they are really good + almost indestructible :D
Steelseries siberia v2
after you mentioned skullcandy (pfpfpffffff), are even sure that you need expensive headphones to listen to your 128 kbps mp3s
the in-ears from sennheiser :)
Sennheiser CX350
get decent ones from supermarket or something
sennheiser !
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