mobile PHONES

ok so since my Nokia 6230i is getting kinda old and kinda starts to fuck up I'm in need of new mobile PHONE ( so no iPhone or other shit, I need PHONE, not a toy)

I'm quite a Nokia fanboy so I'd like to get a Nokia but I'm open for a change, gimme some piece of advice CF :)

so far I had 3110, 3210, 6610, 6020, 6310i and 6230i twice (all Nokia)

let's say price=250 euro max (would rather get something cheaper)
I'd rather get something with no qwerty :x
3330 ftw
image: nokia-3330
3310 was bettar, sorry
used it for a while (my dad had it) and didn't like it :<
i dont like e51 as well, my dad has it^^
you are Poland
steal one
yeah but I need to know what to steal now don't I?
no - just take the next best
dunno how much it costs (got it with a tariff) but try nokia e52. I got it atm :)

I like Nokias for their batteries, but the menu and generally the UI is fucked. I liked Samsung's UI - clean, logical and simple.
Nokia requires brain to use :D me likes

I'll take a look at it thanks
Nokia is user friendly. How can it be hard to use. Prolly only dumbfucks think its hard to use.
people that I know, that were whining about Nokia being hard to use were:

It's not about it being hard to use. I have no problem with using it, I just think it is totally fucked conceptionally.

1. There is this illogical, unfriendly menu behaviour that leaves "Phonebook" or "Call Registry" as a "background process" after you entered it just to find a number to call someone. So when you press Phonebook, choose a number, call the person, then you finish your call - you have to go into main menu, go into Phonebook and choose "Exit". It's fine with applications or SMS viewer, but it's just plain stupid and ridiculous to do it with Phonebook or Call Registry.

2. The overall gfx of the UI. In Samsung (at the leasdt the one I used, U600) everything was clean, simple and pretty. In Nokia, the font is pixelized and I don't really like the icons - they are kinda "dirty". Same goes to SMS view. I don't like it in Nokia - these lines, etc.

There are obviously some good sides to Nokia as well. I love the clock that shows up after you press and hold the central button, to give an example.
samsungs are shit, you cant pick your own fucking texttone
had U600 or smth and i could do that.
Anything but Sony Ericsson and tactile shit.
I'd suggest any kind of Samsung, I've been liking them for the past 5 years. :)
5800 Xpress music, ~ 230 in germany, not quite sure, has 8gb memory storage & is a touchscreenhandy, i have it, it is pretty ok, not sure if you would like it :)
tested that one aswell, it's quite nice but I don't feel so sure about touchscreens, I'd rather not use anything with it :)
LOEL ! me sad :X
LOEL ! u gay :X
too big+got qwerty, me not like that :x thanks for sharing though
i got azerty, types quite fast when ur at ur work :D
inb4 iphonefags

PS: E60 is nice "basic" smartphone, and it looks nice and simple too, like a cellphone should. Also didn't manage to break it even after four years of use, and I dropped it a lot.
image: nokia-e60

It's kinda old, though, dunno if you can find it anywhere anymore
easy to find but I find it bit heavy and it doesn't go right in the hand (my mom using this one so got a chance to test it :))
It's lightweight compared to the E90 I'm carrying in my pocket nowadays :-D!
image: Plonie_stodola_szokujacy_4388959

dobra komorka !
i would recommend you a sony erricson, especially the old ones. I've k550i since 2 years and its great and cheap now ;p
gtfo with sony erricsons, shittiest phones ever
did you ever try it? SE Walkmans are best fucking music phones >.>
I got my Sony mp4 for music thank you very much. phone is for calls and texts kid
im using also as mp3 cause i have 8gb card and great headphones X)
just NO samsung with touchscreen. it will shorten your life because it makes you FUCKINGFUCKINGOAIUSDFOAISDUFOÖP angry.
thanks for the hint bro :)
take it serious :D
blackberry or htc
diamond or android? :x
seriously, stick with nokia, they are a thousand times better than the shit i see other people with

so customiseable, its brilliant :)
are you working for nokia? :D
no i just have had them for ~7 years, and know they are better :)

so i am spreading the word bro! :D
image: 5530-red-11

mine atm think it was 160 or something
got same for 15€ THEHEHEHEHE
Im using blackberry and its kinda hard to use. Its "ok" though.

you ever heard of vertu? Its by nokia also but better.

Why wont u want smart phones? don't u wanna access the net literally anywhere? And many more
accessing the net literally anywhere literally costs you money in poland. or if you catch some hotspot, then it's free, but its literally far from "literally anywhere" :)
duh it costs u money but does it cost a $1,000???!?!??!
ask that your parents, who are paying for you :)
then ask a poor student that has to work at the same time.
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