Best Game Ever

Whats the best game you've ever played on a console?

FF7 o/

Doom 2 on LAN for multplayer
FF7 (/series) or MGS-series

Runner up: Silent Hill-series and of course, the mighty LOZ:Ocarina Of Time.
FF8 and metal gear solid
splinter cell :)
diablo I on ps 2playermode with a friend
Pro Evolution Soccer .

Not 1 in particular as with every new game is better than its predecessor :P
I thought PES5 was awful compared to the previous ones, although I only really played PES1/2 a lot.
budokai 3 is cooler :)
hi, how can I post a picture like you do now?
thanks Nellie!
id it me or is there no image tags shown there in the examples
FF2 > FF3 > FF7 > *, tbh! :<
Castlevania : Circle of the Moon on GBA.
ZELDA FTW got 2 be or GOLDENEYE the best games EVER!!!!! Whitey comms 4 game ;D
Pro Evolution Soccer 2,3,4,5,6
Brothers in Arms - Road to Hill30!!!!! PS2

Goldeneye - N64

Grand Theft Auto - All of em

Metal Gear Solid
best game on console, donkey kong country 2 and 3 :P
N64 - Conkers bad fur day
PS2 - Kingdom hearts
NGC - double dash
track and field " multiplayers :p
Warioland 4

Goldeneye N64
Zelda 64
FIFA 98'
GTA Vice City
Mario 64
Mario Super Bros.
Mario Party 4
Mario Kart
Metal Gear Solid series fo sho, then FF7
Goldeneye N64 fo sho *g*
Still Secret of Mana for SNES
UFO 1/2 or Master of the magic!

edit: ow shit it was on console. then pro evolution soccers or megaman 4 :)
GTA Vice City
road rash 3d
Duke Nukem 3d
Final Fantasy 8
golden eye n64 was the first game i became addicted to
Rome total war

these are my personal best, because their the only games ive played longer then 6 months
A hard one...

Story: Halo / FF7
Retro: Street Fighter 2 (<3)
Party Games: Mashed (best car and best party game ever!)
Classic: Sonic The Hedgehog (possibly the first video game I ever played? was on sega megadrive at a friends)
Adventure: Crash Bandicoot, first PS1 game I had, a true classic!
Streetfighter <3 indeed, after all these years I still got this "eelt" (dunno in English) on my lefthand thumb of doing all the double quarters, half rounds, 360's and double 360's. Superspecial!!
mario kart 64, final fantasy 6/7
devil may cry 1+2

edit: and ofc super mario smash bros. on n64! :D
return to castle wolfenstein!
Phantasy Star Universe !!!
Ninja gaiden, shitty name but one hell of a game!
I want to say FFX... but thats bullshit. Blitzball, the minigame in FFX! :D
N64 Goldeneye and Perfect dark
best console mp ever :P
Killer Instinct and Mortal Combat 2 on SNES
Tough one.
From the recent years I'd say Super Monkey Ball 2. Nothing was as addictive.
Overall, no idea. Too many good games.
final fantasy VII, final fantasy XII, final fantasy X, final fantasy IX, final fantasy VIII.

Oh and kingdom hearts I, II
halo 1,2 ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!
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