Digital Arts & Entertainment

Sup cf,

as some of u might know i'm doin DAE @ Howest,
I was wondering if there are other ppl that are also learning to make video games.
My current assignment is making "Hopla":

image: opdr02_hopla_04

Got the assignment 2 weeks ago, need to deliver in 2 days :s
So I'm gonna start now!

image: Lonely_by_SusanCoffey
Have Fun!!!
I like the Hopla cookies
The sheep reminds me of the Michelin-guy :D
hehe, i also graduated from Howest. Didn't do silly DAO though, but good ol' MCT.
Ow, you know Susan Coffey!
She's really cute :}
PIH ... i feel sry for u :(
i did hit that ....
hopla most retarded cartoon
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