internet in school

is a joke
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best journal evah
better than my internet at home

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image: 994886366 Same ISP and phone line, think you have some other problems some where...

Oh and thats on wireless.
still better than my internetz

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thats some smooth pingin' brah
nice picking barca?
study at school, fucking nerd
nice upload speed tho
[img]]image: 994881537
sux :(
internet at work > *

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From my mobile... basically my phone > your computer.
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meh home, wireless
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Yes, I agree
poor school is poor
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not even so bad for wireless home internet...

altough its shitty when i'm not the only one using internet, for example when i'm playing ET and my sisters is watching some shit at youtube i'm lagging out.
could this problem be fixed with updating internet?
its somewhere in the router settings, at least here, router - dlink dir-600

i remember i had to check one or two boxes and the issue is gone (had it the same like you)
i dont know exactly what you mean

I live in Poland

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