Fuck noobs

Fucking noobs at HON don't know what team support is, there's like a 2man fight going on like at top, i rush there as pebbles and devourer and soul stealer are like - nahhh.... keep on farming...

Seriously these noobs piss me off the most, fucking faggots... don't play hon if you don't know what team support / play is.
i know bro, thats why i quit HoN
team fell apart and cba to find a new one ^^
Henri, this is not the right place for that.
U mad, eric.
HoN sucks anyway..
well much more fun was my last game, all of my mates quited and i could play 1o5 :<
Tell us something new :p
I don't play any games without having at least 1 person I know on my team.
League of Legends i play yes.
keep on farming...
Seems like ur mad cuz of some virtual creatures that are farming
i play and perfer play LoL because has lots of more stuff like good grafics and nice colors. also lots of diferente champions wich you can chose from a list of every weak. HoN is to stopped and no ppl playing seriously
cant you read ??!?!? its to stopped
play 1on1?
play normal games and not shit like that!

Quoteprefer farming

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad player
aaaaaaaah i hate that also! I HATE LIFE CUZ OF NO TEAM SUPPORT1 aaaaaaaaah!!1!!11
team what?

brb playing hon
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