System crashing

My computer keeps crashing, only when i play not sure what the source of the problem is but it normally happens around 10-20 mins of playing

There is a way to find the codes you normally get from blue screens you've had in the past, im not sure where i can find them though...

If there is a file or folder location you can find it, you know where?

Also im not sure if ill need a program to open the using vista 32 bit btw

Thanks :) <3
i think that after 10-20 minutes of playing et, your computer crashes
blue screen of death? guessing mobo smh
sometimes it says the comp is overheating, but my whole side unit is completely off to let in air!
Well if it says its overheating at times, its a big possibility..but problem with leaving the side unit off is that theres more chance of dirt getting there might be a lot of dust in the fan or places that would cause overheating problem
cuz of ET? :d
happened to my laptop before after like 10-15 minutes of playing ET, but i would get fps drops instead of it crashing..

ETs too hardcore ;[
wow if u cant even run ET u must be doomed (hypotheticly speaking :D)
Events / event viewer, search from windows.
hey Tekno, whats up ?:)
yo mate, nothing much yourself? :P

oh and ETQW sucks

e3: uhh ask perfo
I also play without the whole left side for my fan and i use the programm Speedfan (you surely heard of it) to tune them so they rly cool down my CPU.
Do you hear any beeps when you get a bluescreen?
yeah i hear some strange beeps sometimes
do your fans cool down your CPU and get loud? otherwise Koop is right.. better a restart then a broken CPU :3
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