Need muuvimaker

Hi moviemakers,

Long story short, I don't have the time or somewhat motivation to make another movie. However i have shitloads of demos (think 100% vs EC players) from past 2 years and i cba to throw them away, i'd rather share them with all of you. I have already scanned them with demoscanner and bla bla blaaaaaa. Frags are smg and/or strikes mostly. So, if you think ur good enough moviemaker AND have some of ur work to show me feel free to pm meand we'll talk about further crap.

Contact WinFakt|EURUZ
i rly think that your good frags will be using for good fragmovie cause u have more or less nice aim but nice very brain very well :)
RG`Kamz @ #most-hated
He costs 50 euros per hour
You mean you can make as cool movies as his in 4 hours?
kamz is cheap
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