Fallout: New Vegas

image: Fallout-New-Vegas-

Start in Hardcore Mode


Start on normal difficulty
Replay on Hardcore Mode

QuoteHardcore mode

An optional Hardcore mode delivers more realism and intensity into the gaming environment. As gameplay difficulty is increased, players are encouraged to implement effective strategies, make careful considerations in resource management and combat tactics, and pay high attention to the surrounding environment. Gameplay difficulty is increased through several features: Stimpaks do not heal the player instantly, but work over a period of time.The healing of crippled limbs requires a high medicine skill and medical equipment. Ammunition has weight, and the player character must eat, drink and sleep to avoid starvation, dehydration and exhaustion.
Start on normal difficulty
Play for 30 minutes
Never play again

I like how they call this "hardcore"-mode.. This exact same thing was in most famous Fallout 3 -mod, F3 Wanderers Edition. :P
but this is not PC exclusive I guess :-7
Hardcore mode, unless you're a little bitch.
Just go hardcore :p
oh right i wanted to replay F3 , though the story sucked so hard
shooters i play on hardest level available
rts and rpgs on normal(med)
hardcore gamer
you play on easy
You play shooters on hardest level and you still suck in ET
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