hb to me :>

in case anyone shouldnt have noticed i turned 18 today so im a full member of the adult society and i am legally allowed to enter clubs, drink all sorts of alcohol, watch all movies and drive a car now.
congratulate me.
you're allowed to grow up too :)

random pic:
image: bolek_i_lolek
Bolek i Lolek :ASD
a, no bolo i lolo!
congrats my fellow-age-mate
But watch out. With the age of 18 comes great responsibility
congratz xyl
Congratulations xyl3nc3r HB
grats :)
gratz :)
Congrats, b-day fellow. :d
i turned 18 today so im a full member of the adult society and i am legally allowed to enter clubs, drink all sorts of alcohol, watch all movies

i could do that when i was 16, and thats about 5 months ago :D

but hb anywayz x
i didnt say that i couldnt do it when i was 16, i just say that now i can do it legally :D
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