Rooney wants to leave Man United

Dont know this has been posted or not so i'll make a journal for it xD

Sir Alex Ferguson Confirms it!!!!,19528,11667_6453903,00.html

Letter from Man United supporters to Rooney

Jose Mourinho Says he will stay,19528,11667_6454738,00.html

In my opinion he should just leave now that he has made up his mind.

what you african-americans think? He should stay or leave?


image: craigslist-hot-girl
na thats new
old news = old
NEw for me
he should retire
Lol @ the letter... rooney cannot into mancity
post more about this nurd.
old shit is old
Liverpool fan mad to see more posts of man united? :D!
Money grabbing clown should just fuck off.
that is football mate, one of the reasons why I dislike the sport..
He just doesn't seem to care so much about football like a lot of others and is purely about the ££. Don't blame him for trying to exploit them and getting more cash but they're all still overpaid goons.
Then again I still watch the sport myself (championship though) :P
in the end if they can make millions more somewhere lse, they'll all chose for the $$
in 90% of cases its about the money clubs got loads shit of money to spend on their players weekly wages.
image: damme_dancing2

I don't care plus he is overrated anyways so here is jcvd dancing instead.
Get well soon JCVD!!
I can't see him stay after clearly upsetting SAF, I for one agree 100% with SAF's statement when Rooney said he wanted to leave:

‘Just remember one thing: respect this club.’ I don’t want any nonsense from you, respect your club.

For me, respecting your club is not first talking about signing a career-long contract and then changing your mind just two months later. I thought more of Rooney than this, now it seems that he's just chasing the money.

So, even though I would like him to stay -> If you want more money, pls fuck off.
I dont give a fuck if he wants to leave.
where does he wants to go?
Rumours are man city :S
lol, that would be pretty stupid :p
Man utd fans will hate him forever.
yeh, the club that made him this big will hate him... Thats just plain stupid if he decides to go to man city
He shouldnt join any premier league that will be very stupid to stay in premier league. Best option imo is Real Madrid.
he should go back to everton
he should see out his contract that way utd get no money nd he can come everton we dnt care who hes shaggin
Errr everton get 25% of any profit from the sale of rooney as part of the clause when you sold him, surely you want him to go for the biggest transfer fee possible, everton need the money, could maybe buy donavon then
never knew that -_-
even the first amateur club where he played when he was 6 will get money;)
what? are you kiddin me? :D

its not much, but theyll get 1% orso
i thought he had a clause didnt know it was that big though and yeah wouldnt mind the don back he gave us a proper boost last year, although i would sell my body to get another duncan ferguson :(
yes african-americans,tell us
Leave, hes playing shit at manu, needs a new start. man city will do him good
yes, he does
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