Im back :D?

*NOT THAT ANY OF YOU CARE - BUT* After a short break from CF I'm back.. I have quit ET though, which was a good decision... shit game :) Got myself a beautiful girlfriend and life is going well :PP

And now, thanks to United KingdomElement I'm downloading series 6 of Man vs Wild with Bear Grylls.. That guy is a fucking legend and i always find his shows bloody interesting.. :)

Just back in time for CF 3.2, looks cool and stuffz.. awaiting 4.0.

Hows your day been? :)
nice movie btw
Stop lying. You've got no girlfriend.
yea he does :)
lol nerd u posting pic of facebook on CF wtf
u don't have to show proof on zeh internet :(
cool. congratulations 8)
Why thank you, shes lovely :)
that Ellie name made me think of Ellie Goulding !
could be fake
lol slac is getting updated and no hste :(:(:(


Man vs Wild is awesome idd :D
But it's alot faked, look the "behind the scenes" on youtube :(
hste has removed you from his buddylist !

?? didnt know you had me as buddy :D:D:D
bear <3
not gonna click, it'll spoil everything for me :(
I loved his show but when I saw that.. my opinion changed :(
fag u got this out of my journal
not really, but he became suspicious after some shows ;)
hahaha the 2nd one :DD
Waiting for the new SP episode to be online + studying my latin -_-
whose account was this?
lol Bear Grylls -> have to watch that with my bf all the time xD
you didn't come crossfire yesterday :(
I was at BIO, next time crossfire 24/7 ;P
You want to be my e-girlfriend?
lol :D what do e-gfs have to do ^^?
Sucking my e-penis? :XD
you quit et but you still play on cybergays woot ?
idd bear is awesome i never miss ultimate survival and worst case senario
dunni man vs wild tough
just saw worst case scenario, kinda liked it ^_^
yeaa ^^ the one with the dogs was awesome'o :D
yeah i like it better then ultimate survival tbh, or that is cause they never show newer episodes on discovery :(
ultimate survival rocks to :p that guy knows fucking to much i dunno his past but i gues he was some kind a special trained marine commando or something
yeah he was thought he climbed some big ass mountains too!
ahaha yeah but teh funny thing is that no one from SAS remebers about him, he was in sas for few month since he fucked up his back, 70% of tips he gives are false and would end up with u dying if u would do it to survive

u know what SAS says about drinking pee?

and making traps with your own clothes to hunt animals?:D

u guys are so easy to trick, its actually funny how dumbass some ppl is:D
i feel you in that one man. but actually there are people drinking there own piss without beeing in a dangerous situation, they do it for "health"

bear grills was fun to watch when i first watched it, but after a certain time you begin to think...this shows are just plain stupid imo. sad what TV has come to nowadays
if u drink pee when u have dehydratetion or whatever ull die simple as, due to what the pee contains it will dehydrate u mor, same as sea water
who cares about what he says ? its just very entertaining for me
it is entertaining, but dont call him "legendary" because he is just one more actor on that show
you cant be serious man :/
all the madness... i dont take the show so serious.. dot dot dot
ok dot dot dot :)
you cant be serious man :/
all people that seem to quit ET get girlfriends instantly, just a question: did you start body building?
show pic of gf
turkish turkey again trying to fap fap fap :(
shit game if you're shit at it
didnt notice you were gone.
bear grylls is shit now compared to the older episodes.

he goes to the places, that its not necessary to survive, like underground tunnels n stuff, seriously what for? just to make the show better, its not anymore about surviving but about the show.

there is better guy at the discovery, which is alone for few days, he has all the cameras with him n stuff, way better.
whats the name?

found it :P


'Stroud's idea of a nature outing is probably a little different from yours and mine: he takes off alone and heads to a punishing corner in the back of beyond with nothing but a few cameras to document his (often miserable)experiences.'
quit ET? i saw you yesterday or 2 days ago on cybergames deliv :DDDD
Quotehste has removed you from his buddylist !

image: the-hulk-superhero-400a062507
image: hulk-smash11
gratz with gf ;)
I see a 6 years old account there =D

enjoy life m8, hf
lol, get a life :O.
this is so pathetic...
ermh, saw you on cybergames few days ago
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