Crossfire 3.3 update

The new update should include one new thing - tagging ex-cheaters.

They do it in real life with criminals and frankly it's easier to see who is an ex-cheater nowadays.

The new cheaters thing is amazing, never have to read what cheaters wrote ;)
half of crossfire would be tagged & it would be too time consuming
Doubt that. Actually they gotta un-tag, otherwise they'd have to move the status from tagged to ex-taged. So the same work.
Just marking the ones who cheated years before could be maybe too much work (which you could also let).
I agree in every word this man says
so tag maus perfo meez etc?
Excatly, their all stupid enough to cheat. Just because they have a load of fan boys isn't a get out of jail card
when was maus banned ?
wasnt banned afaik but he admitted cheating in public and there were a few avis that make one think that he cheated in clanwars as well
well, then there are other 500 pl with the same situation, but they haven't been busted, so its not the same
should be tagged though
then ppl like butchji, and others should have to, its the same
butchji never admitted that he cheated did he?
agree, more hax journals
I agree in every word this man says
idiotic suggestion - almost retarded
Cause you are an ex-cheater?
QuoteThey do it in real life with criminals and frankly it's easier to see who is an ex-cheater nowadays

example: You don't get a mark in your criminal record for something as small as not paying in a train n getting caught.
fact: There is no way that cheating in a free game is comparable to any crime commited in real life - (not even as small as not paying in a train).

summary: tagging ex-cheaters would be idiotic - almost retarded.(doesn't apply in situations where one considers this game as a part of real life - or even real life)

I'm not an ex-cheater.
Well considering that cheating in online games is major offence , like for example robbing is in real life, they should be tagged.

Those little things like bus tickets etc could be considered spamming, server crashing during games , offending admins etc.

Your point isnt quite valid there, mate.
QuoteWell considering that cheating in online games is major offence

summary: tagging ex-cheaters would be idiotic - almost retarded.(doesn't apply in situations where one considers this game as a part of real life - or even real life)
I think you just missed my point.
Then you didnt have a point. You just made an argument from another matter.
I had a feeling i went to hard on you - my equation was too complex(I wouldn't call it an equation myself coz it's freeking trivial). Perhaps with a few re-reads you could get it but since i know you'r not going to do it + i can't universalise my language more than I already did without losing my dignity by arguing over a thing as small as this... we should call this case closed.
besides it's friday and drinking time hf
ex-cheaters do not have to be tagged with the triangle behind their name, but, it should be displayed on their profile page
Couldn't care less about some ugly geeks :D
in real life you don't (or at least shouldn't) tag/discriminate ex-convict ppl.
Try some job interviews and for example apply for a job for your government, not gonna be easy ;)
not only government, in many jobs (at least in Poland) you have to bring a paper that shows you dont have criminal record ;) otherwise you cant even count on interview
haha so naive...awesome (:
What about GTA Weapon Cheat Codes? :x
ban, cheater.
I concur, kanker cheating scum.
we should put a yellow star on them!
Yeah can't wait for crossfire 3.3 RAINBOW EDITION. so many people and colours tagged.
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