ingame quirks

What do you do ingame that makes no sense?

For me, I take a medic pack when I spawn - I hate that but I've been doing it since the dawn of time. Hard to get rid of it :D
me2 mate me2
i play with JyrkZ
i push dem towers
pull my needle out for no reason :@ probably cos imma medic ya'know !
Well it is certainly not because you are an engineer.
fu ;D .. thats true tho, i never pull out the engi-pliars ! :O
I have to set spawntimer right away when the match starts even when I dont know the spawntime yet :D Have to set it in ETTV as well

+ I have to press crouch at least once in a duel
and then im not sure did i enter the correct spawntime or is it just random :D
Quote by SlartoI have to press crouch at least once in a duel

image: 108
I do the same, sometimes its the correct one LOL :D
ingame squirts
I do that aswell. also I press crouch when jumping,eventho I am trying not to do that for like a year already.
crouching in the air while jumping actually saves you stamina but you dont lose speed.. :-P
what he said ;)
maybe he is right, but in my opinion its often fail, when you crouch before actuall jump :XD
I also do this.
but as far as I know, crouching when jumping changes your hitboxes.
and increases pretty much chance you hit something while inflight ;)
I always throw a nade when I'm going to selfkill whether it has any use or not.

Also, I always throw nades over the gate in Braundorf when the dynamite has been planted.

EDIT: For some reason I regularly use voicechat to say 'Thanks' when I'm revived and not just on pub :P
roll nerds.
Gibbing when they are about to spawn 1 second later, all about the stats
not about stats,but about habit,same here
i constantly type /scores so... xD
ye,me2,but gibs aint what I am looking at most of the time .D
I keep picking same spawnpoint over and over again even it was already selected.
haha same, spawning CP ftw
bait the shit out of my team and get kills when opponent is low in health :)
never understood why medics do that..but i try to have a martyrdom effect and drop nades before i self

e; when im medic i switch from smg to needle and back to smg a couple of times for no reason
Loading my Spawnclass/Spawnpoint-cfgs all over again.

Throwing nades when selfkilling...

...and almost immediately putting on my rnade on spawn, pretty annoying and a huge disadvantage sometimes :(
I had to tap my selfkill button (mouse3) all the time, because I had binded a clicksy sound on it. Got rid of it by removing the sound from the bind, tho.

I always throw spare medpacks in random places when I'm on full bar. It's not annoying though, since I usually benefit from them later (or my teammates benefit).
i always open doors after they planted gate for example 1st stage supply or braundorf. I need to try to leave them alone ;p
That's the most annoying thing that my teammates do - always makes me rage :D
I simply dont understand why so many people do that. if something can make me mad in et, its when someone steal my ammo right in front of my face and this.
ye i know, or i open door en trow a nade and then ran back, its not even usefull to trow a nade.. but u know.. all for the stats ;p
+1, can wreck a defense
Changing sens :D!
LOWSKILLED SINCE 2003, this is sad :-(
take the knife to run faster and cause it makes me feel cooler
i use all my sprint when i run out of spawn
i did that aswell, now i save it ! ;)
one of the most annoying players to play with are the ones who dont sprint out of the spawn and press w instantly
i play with walls off
second spawn, axis, supply, (public war) i trow a nade over gate in cave :( . Just to hope that some enemy is there.
i continued to plant landmines even if i was being shot by an enemy stood directly in front of me
Those engi's are fun :D
shooting more headshots midair then normally
pressing spawntime @startmatch, crouching @ every duel :c

+ changing fov ( mouse3, 105/90 90/105 and back to 90 to play :Xd
strafing with medpacks/dynamite/ammopacks --> 120 fov find it more comfortable to strafe with that than with 90 fov (gun)

sit in a chair in delivery and let my teammates do everything in 3on3s
sometimes leaning for a few min without any reason :D
Plant mines to stupid places, just to annoy the person who runs on them, not effected to defence / attack.
instead of throwing away grenade while enemy's already shooting i always hold it till last second (failing very often)
why should it be useless to take a medpack when u spawn
its not like u get ur full health in 3 sec
i have the tendency to take a nade (as allies mostly) when the map starts, now i force myself to do not, because with these trickshots/ airstrikes/ enemy nades/ rush of axis (at supply), i'll get full with my nade in my hand:D
Grabbing a medpack when I spawn and I tend to shoot every enviromental object thats destroyable (chairs, paintings, flags, windows)
Haha, I just have to destroy all the paintings at delivery :P
same+i run too often
spamming fovchanger
i tend to go for ridiculous revives when it would be better to use my filthy aim
killing teammates in warmup
when i still played et it was:

- taking out the knife (like in cs..."to run faster" -_-)
- crouching while jumping
- destroying all flags/chairs/drawings there are, while going through the map
- throwing random nades even if i know that there is noone of the opponents (i always hoped for some random multikills :( )
- always going to backrape some people (while my teammates are busy with them) in hope to get some random killingspree
- getting fullspawn or just not selfkilling while everybody else is doing that...mostly on supply, first stage of defense at closed door position, just to save the loads of ammo i collected :D
- after the allies got tank on goldrush, i didnt press the button for the rear spawn, so i still spawned in the office and lied down there to get the exact spawntime of the allied team
- doing the jump on radar from the "fake radar" to west, even if it was useless or i got killed anyway
- throwing a nade (axis) to the depot gate at supply AFTER the allies planted a dyna there (NEVER hit anything :'( )

and my BIGGEST failure of all:

- i could almost NEVER go aggressive. i was an overall defensive player. maybe thats the reason i couldnt get more skill in ET even after 5 years of playing (i know that my crossfire account isnt that old, but i already played ET before being registered on crossfire :p). :(
no,because people who are not registered on crossfire doesnt live imo. there is no life beyond crossfire.

Quote- throwing a nade (axis) to the depot gate at supply AFTER the allies planted a dyna there (NEVER hit anything :'( )

I sometimes hit someone actually :)
you must watch lio.. he is switching his whole weaponbank all the time :P
Opening etBot.exe every time I have a war. Trying to get used to opening KlappHook.exe instead.
Running into enemy crossfire 24/7 to let my teammates get kills while they focus fire me.

True teamplayer.

Also have my spawntimer bound on numlock, but I hate seeing that light flash up so I have to alt-tab to turn it off all the time (I spend like 10% of a game alt tabbed cause of that shit). :D
Put tape on it? :P
Think I'm going to do that with capslock.

... But first let me smoke a weed.
just remap capslock
I keep changing my sensitivity like every week, sometimes in matches also :D.D
I crouch while jumping.

I also take that medpack when I spawn.

I also _have to_ set the spawntimer right away when the game starts, but I don't do it on ETTV (you win Aki ).

When I backrape someone I usually catch myself not even aiming at the head but at the torso.

I always jump across the last couple of feet when I revive a teammate, even if there is no hurry at all, and I usually jump a tiny bit too far so that I have to make a 180 degree turn to revive him in midair, and this obviously makes me feel awesome.

When I'm sniper ( unscoped ) I always start juming in a duel although this doesn't help that much.

dat van het sniper lijkt me inderdaad nadelig? ik ga juist crouchen..
your comment is so full of win.
tho jumping with rifle, no matter wether covert or engi helps you win your duel!
- switching to medpack as soon as i spawn and take one ;D

- doing the stupid tj over the wall behind the cp on supply (near the wooden doors)

- throw nade over east tower on supply, always do it, even if i know that the enemy is not there 100%.. dunno why :<

- getting fulls :DDDDDDD

- minimizing as soon as i die

- crouch while jumping (i find it usefull + it looks better and faster :D)

- never able to track someone while backraping

- trying to do ninja stuff all the time even if i know its wrong and that its gonna cost my team (in offis tho i manage to avoid it somehow :o)

- i always selfkill after i shoot a panzer even if its like 15 sec before spawn, i fucking hate it!!!

can't remember the rest but i got lots of useless crap i do all the time
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