simple maths task :>

plz who already knows the solution, dont write it :)

if there are 30 accidents in the month, what is the probability for having every day exactly 1 accident?

(ps: u can assume for every accident, its equiprobable, if an accident happens today or tomorrow)

ps: u can assume, month consists of 30 days

PS: plz write the solution way (explain the way), not the number, which i dont understand, how u got it


Since no one could solve it, i give an answer. Maybe someone gonna find out, how to get that probability:

1,2883161*10(to the power of -12)
1+1 is two lol :) haha

30 accidents per month, 12 months in a year.

Year has 365 days

Am I even close?:P

Its not gonna work like this if you change the month to a one specific with 30 days, then the outcome would be exactly one.
3,333333... % ? :o

edit: i suck at maths :(
28 day month or what?

p^30? Or?
maybe u should specify how many days month has first...
doenst matter, u can assume 30
actually it does matter, imagine february (28/29), u cant have exactly 1 accident per day as well as exactly 30 accindents a month at the same time...
i dont need an exact solution depending on the number of days, but the solution way. The choice of 1 months is just an example :)
Quote by fumbleeThe absence of evidence is not evidence in itself, thus the question is anomylous to the point of the theory, therefore whatever month it is, doesn't affect the final answer.
already know solution - like.. if we make it out,we shouldnt write it or wat? :D
if u already knew it, plz dont write the solution way
He means that if you've done this one before, and know the solution don't spoil it from the rest of us.

If you've never done this math problem before, then go ahead.
really low
:<, pm with the solution pls, would like to know it :P
i dont know how to calculate the solution quickly but its imo:

whats the chance u have every day in a month 1 accident

possibilities: 30 first day none rest of the days
29 first day 1 second day none rest of the days

etc etc

if u know how much possiblilities there are its not hard to calculate whats the chance u have to get each day 1 accident
16 year old dutchies should refrain from trying to solve questions about maths, really.
first of all who says im really 16, my english is just bad?
im 28 and i studied maths..? so im sure i know a lot about maths atleast more than you;)
in holland we are well educated and im a teacher maths now at the university of Utrecht

and btw, thx for the profile hit
wow a profile hit.
Haha funny guy.
actually i thought it was pretty funny yes!
I rofled while i wrote this : D
Write me a PM with the solution rize :P

first day 1/30
second day 1/29
third day 1/28

and so on

On the last day its 1/1 so 100 % that an accident will happen ? :X
Yeah if it has happened everyday just like that, till the last day. Since we have this fact that there are indeed 30 accidents per month.
hehe :) no
about 36.79% (poisson distribution)

image: poisson_9xi9g
really simple example of the poisson distribution that is
nod, would have been a bit of a challenge if he said: AT LEAST 1 accident, but even then, if you know some of statistics, you can go figure
look at my nice formula, learning TeX atm!
I would have added the Lambda's as well, and then replace them with the numbers, looks fancy though!
since that one is already on that wiki page i figured it wasnt necessary

image: b26a6070bb74890b7c2d0bf84f2ea4c0
Le poisson eheheheh
i dont get how u got it
it's all explained on that wiki page.
Your example is pretty simple since both lambda=1 and k=1
why is lambda and k both = 1 and why u use Poisson Distribution?
# k is the number of occurrences of an event - the probability of which is given by the function
its 30 accidents in 30 days, we want to know it for ONE day so its 30/30 = 1

# lambda is a positive real number, equal to the expected number of occurrences that occur during the given interval.
the expected number in your case is one (one accident per day)

and i used the possion distribution because thats what you take to solve this :p
i dont get, what is here poisson distributed?
QuoteIn probability theory and statistics, the Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a number of events occurring in a fixed period of time if these events occur with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event.

your period of time = 1 day, average rate = 30 per month => 1 per day (average)

actually, thinking about it, its probably not correct because this is the probability of it happening one time on one day (leaving the rest of the 29 days out of the equation)
hehe, no, u misunderstand the sentense posted on wiki, and the choice of time is wrong.
I wont explain u this theory, because it is definately the wrong modell (very difficult, if possible) to solve that simple task. Btw, i wouldnt ask a task there to require the knowledge of that distribution. Everything is much easier
do you actually know the right answer? what is it?
it is a very small number (probability), something like 1/1 Mrd (means very small)
so it is what creaji said
he begins to count wrong.
just a tip: use combinatorics :)
time is poisson distributed, number of occurances in a continuous interval..
time cant be poisson distributed there. It makes no sense
that's how i learnt it ..
unless you refer to 30 accidents in a month not being the mean but the actual number of accidents.

In that case: every day 1 accident:
30 is the number of accidents in 1 months, not the mean over many months
You have to divide 1 by my warning points on CF and you'll magically find the result.
1/30 = 0.0333

quod erat demonstrandum
open your statistics book.
likelyhood calculations are easy
u dont need likelihood there, u dont estimate parameters
cause you dont give sufficient paramters for a calculation. you dont even name a sample size.
didnt know where you were going witht his but you can answer your question with a proper calculation if you actually intend to do so and this isnt thought to "troll" the people here.
why should u need a sample size, if u dont estimate?
And no, u dont need it there.

btw, this task is on the task sheet for complet beginners of the lecture on probability theory, and the school knowledge of stochastics is enough for solving the task
im not saying you can not solve it.
i said you can not make a proper probability calculation without knowing more parameters.
and i dont claim to be a statistics god. the complete opposite to be exact. my statistics book rots somewhere and i am not willing to calculate any more stats in my entire life. thats for accounting nerds and people tkaing their knowledge from learning books by heart.
"i said you can not make a proper probability calculation without knowing more parameters."

1 thing i didnt said should be self-evident: the distribution of every individual accident is over all days uniform distributed, that means: if we take 1 accident, its equiprobable, if it happens today or tomorrow.

More things u dont need to know to find out the probability
sorry bro but as stated i dont even want to think about stats.. hope ur not mad
and ofc you need to know like 30 acciedents but how many people?
if there is a sample size of 20 people having 30 accidents in 30 days its different from 1000000000 people having 30 accidents in 30 days.
im not :) i thought this task would be solved quickly there.

I give u a tip: use COMBINATORICS, thats all u need :)
doesnt matter, how many people, just consider accidents alone
1/31! (31factorial for ignorants)
Can you pm me the solution if you know it? :)
of course i know it :)
but ur not the first who asks for solution
so whats the point to tell it to everybody? :)
the point is that Ive been thinking about it for a bit and I might have an idea how the solution might look like but ive got no idea how to calculate the exact solution
i wrote the probability up in the task. Maybe u could find out, how to find out the number. Use combinatorics.
I don't know what I do wrong, I'm too tired to think atm :(

n <= 29
the probability for having 1 accident on day 1: P(1) = 1/30*29/30
day 2: P(2)= 1/29*28/29
day n: P(n) = 1/(31-n)*(30-n)/(31-n)
day 30: P(30) = 1

probability of all days together: P(1)*P(2)*...*P(n)
= 1/30*29/30*1/29*28/29*...*1/(31-n)*(30-n)/(31-n)
= 1/30*1/29*...*1/2 * 29/30*28/29*27/28*...*3/4*2/3*1/2
= 1/30! * 1/30
= 1.25 * 10^-34
hi :)
nice to see u there too :)

"the probability for having 1 accident on day 1: P(1) = 1/30*29/30"

thats already wrong.

The statement: "the probability for having 1 accident on DAY 1" should be expressed in the following way:
1/30 * (29/30)^29 * 30

that means: 1/30 that 1st accident is on the 1st day, (29/30)^29 for the rest 29 accidents beeing on other days and "*30" because every accident can be on the 1st day.

Ur expression " P(1) = 1/30*29/30"" would only mean, that the 1st accident is on the 1st day, and the 2nd accident is not on the 1st day.

ps: there is a shorter way. Just try to count the number of interesting results and devide by the amount of all results. Its very short and simple term :)
Interesting results: 30!
All results: 30^30

yeah I guess I couldn't just concentrate before when my gf is making strange sounds :$

hey btw :p
btw, why do u always ask probabilistics, we want rather some cases where we have to form differentials or something more interesting, I hate statistics and probs :D
"my gf is making strange sounds"

is it because of the strange movements? ;)
its my main field, probabilistics and statistics, and in the combinatorical tasks u dont need to have deep knowledge. In all other tasks (which i know) there is the certain knowledge nesessary. I know one very very great task, which i didnt solve back then, but was on the way. Maybe i will find it again.
yeh, keep em coming, I like to solve them whenever I just have a chance :)

anyway, I guess you couldn't concentrate either if somebody is eating watermelon and pineapple next to you and listening to lady gaga :O

Anyway, I've had a large course on stats and probs but I just don't like them at all :l
but surely I'm up to those tasks as well, like u said mostly combitorials are possible to think through without any deeper knowledge
hehe exactly :)
why dont u like statistics? It is such a great think, for example to estimate unknown parameters using interesting methods :)
Here a simple statistical task: how to estimate in a simplest way, how many fishes ar in the small sea?
Well, surely the topics are interesting but somehow I never liked probabilistics much in school either :D Well ofc I liked maths a lot in general :)
And well statistics I just don't consider that interesting, I like rather solving some interesting problems where you have to think it through in your head rather than study some ready curves that you can apply in the exes :) (And yeah, I know statistics is a lot more than that, but I just hate studying stuff :D)

Well, I haven't ever really studied an exe like this or at least can't remember, but I guess I would count the amount of fishes in some small area and then just suppose that the fish density is the same throughout all the sea :P
hi :)
to count an amount in a special area would be not right, because fishes might be swimming in groups in specific places and ar moving. What could be another much better solution?
Hi :)
You have to know something about fishes' style of living and suppose that they tend to live in groups or have some insight if they like to live rather in the deeper parts or closer to surface etc :)
I guess my example would work in a static situation where the fishes would be scattered all around randomly.
But about this case, I don't know why but I'd like to apply quantum mechanics and take the probabilities that way generalized for many particles but guess u don't like that method much :D

you can tell me yours :)
ok, i tell u the solution:
mark a big amount of fishes and let them swim and mix up over all the fishes in the sea. After a period of time make a sample by catching some amount and compare the proportion of fishes u marked to all fishes. U can do some samples to improve the estimation, and build the mean :)
so how u like it? :D
sounds like it could work :)
But what is long enough time for them to scatter around especially if you only let them out at one special place :D ? And how did u catch them in the first place for marking? Maybe those fishes prefer some certain areas of the sea :D Well I think your model works mathmetically fine if you tell me the time table and otherwise we will face all the real life factors that prevent the world from working ideally :P

Let's say that I like the probabilistics more and looking forward to your next question :D ?
i dont really know if it works, but it is the best and most rational solution from a view of a statistician.
1. U can mark young fishes, which grew up in special pools, and let them after into the sea.
2. Let them mix up enough time (zoologist know it better)
yeah I believe you :)

any math task for tonight !?
hehe, i have to look for one
we are in game site
4 what the math
whats wrong talking about maths on a gaming site. Why dont u complain on every 2nd stupid journal, which has nothing with gaming in common?
(1 / 30 ) ^ 30

1 devided by 30 by the power of 30 making it

4.86 x 10 ^ -43 percent that you have exactly 1 accident each day
ask /sci/
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