Are you smart enough...

Hi CF nerds

Are you smart enough to decrypt this hidden message?

39-20-39 5-27-19 17-23-9-19

image: 4438_s

CF needs moar journals like Germanyrize did!

Good night to my CF buddies! <3

I'll post clues if you really cant find it

1st clue : The word in bold is written for a reason
your momma's so fat she could eat the internet
motivation killed my concentration
message = LOL
geh sterben du hurensohn
lol ure ???e
cant get the rest :(
no but i got a randompic for youimage: 2710_scottcurls
Another alexL wnb? :}D
i dont try to be a wnb tbh
but im not as serious as alexl is, no pills n stuff
Smart enough; yes, but i'm too lazy
lol you nerd
hey U!!! Why u didnt visit my journal? :)
DO u already know the solution way, or just didnt see my maths journal? ;)
didn't see it :X

The number of ways to have one accident per day / the number of ways to distribute the accidents in total
Translate that into combinatoric-mumbojumbo and you've got the answer :P
easy to say, but still NOBODY solved the task, although its not that difficult
not too many statisticians on CF are there :P
u dont need statistics for that, just a simple school combinatorics
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