
Anyone here playing Allods Online? Started playing it 3 days ago, currently lvl 9 (nearly going 10), and I'm positively surprised by the game. I'm a real noob when it comes to MMO's, but afaik it's a pretty decent WoW clone, but then for free (ingame mini transactions which throughout the entire game including endgame don't seem to give you any major advantages or anything).

The game feels a bit dead though, since the size of the community isn't exactly what you would call thriving. I'm wondering if this is because of it's "recent" release, or because it just plain sucks.

ps. for everyone interested:

/q dev-Cupra @
its kinda new and people actually wanted to play lotro for free.
also the MMO nerds are on the wait for cataclysm
MMO's aren't my thing.
Yeah played it but got bored
sup spree, hows your dad?
fine, hows your aids?
u mad man?, im nuh battybwoi
its because of the transactions, pvp is pointless without perfums, which raise all of your attributes by x

played it, had char (bad guy, healer) around lv26 or 27, dont remember
seriously?! I thought the perfumes only got rid of your death penalty or smth.

and what's all that shit about cursed items?
game didnt have cursed items when i played, or at least i dont remember anything like that
items sometimes seem to get cursed when you die or smth and then you need to buy shit from the store to un-curse them. cursed items have their normal stats in negative btw
so it wasnt implemented when i played.

i played a bit before the item shop was implemented, and a bit after it was on. but as soon as they released stuff that made pvp nonsense, and i was in holy land where both factions are doing their quests (and killing each other) i got bored and the game got a bit frustrating, then i moved to the next location but i missed some grinding. grinding as a healer is boring and hard at the same time, so i /quit.
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