Fallout New Vegas.

How is it compared to fallout 3? The storyline so far seems shit. I'm still at the first town, barely played it for a few hours as I made a mistake and turned up against the town (which I didn't want to) so I started again.

the environment and graphics are nothing compared to fallout 3 so far, very disappointing.

Also, is it me or fallout's shooting system / engine is one of the worsts ever? Why they couldn't implement a normal one?
You have time for games? nolife mate:PPpPpP
You play farmville all day :DDD
im 1 month from army, that means no school, no job, no nothing and half my mates are at army and can only see them barely at weekends
would you recommend me this game if I've never played any game in the fallout series before?
no you have no time to paly
Tomorrow I'm single again :):):)
still.. you have to drink alot tho
that's part-time :P:P
ye sure, each of the game doesn't have anything much related, but i'd recomment playing fallout 3 at least, it's just epic
i barely played fallout tactics, didnt remember anything from it, then played fallout 3. epic.

just play fallout 3 first, with dlcs if possible, its epic game, after that try new vegas, thats what im going to do after finishing dragon age with addon and dlcs :PP
It's the same engine AS Fallout 3. Graphics are identical. Identical.
i didn't like the engine, and the environment is disappointing
Whats your problem with my mate, officer?
the graphics are completely the same! the same, no arguing about that.
i actually prefer the wild west look to the all grey shredded city.
i haven't played too much, so don't attack me on the graphics. but the environment is definitely disappointing.
i seriously hate the wild west theme
its a personal thing. i hate the all grey :S
how about the engine? it feels awful
always did. only V.A.T.S. makes it playable. but this might be a bit boring and/or annoying to people.
im honestly not the kind of person that would play through fallout more than once as its like nice to explore the places for the first time but it doesnt give me any reason to replay it (even tho its thought to be that way).
same here, there are games i just can't bother to replay
there are barely games that are worth replaying.
the only recent one i can think of is me2. i know its kinda stupid cauz you will still vivist the exact same places but in general i tend to get less bored with shooters.
i think the only games i ever replayed are prince of persia, max payne and the cod's
i just don't like to replay games with a huge or epic storyline, such as mafia, gta, fallout, dragon age
Max Payne, fuck yeah!
best game ever! <3 could also had the potential to be an epic and thrilling movie :(
OMFG could it be a new max payne movie????? with realy actors, right? OMG! that sounds so promising, surely it's been on the work for 5 years, so a release could be very very soon!!!!!
wow you made my day :D
It was supposed to be a movie. Now they just want to make a video of it if I got it right. They are amateurs but it may still be better than the "real" movie.
ME2 has great replay value because of the balanced combat system on higher levels and the different classes! I did replay ME1 a few times aswell because it's just such a vivid game. But I agree, a game needs to be extraordinary before I replay it. Thing with fallout is that no matter what character you make, the playstyle is pretty much the same for all of them.

For me those games I replayed were: Morrowind, DiabloII, ME 1-2, Baldurs gate and Icewind Dale, NWN, Max payne (both of them), CoD games and KoToR! Bioware games usually :P
No reasons to replay? That just shows how little you know. I know Bethesda didnt do so good work with Fallout 3 but theres definitely a good replay-value.. Making different kind of characters, playing very bad/good karma -character. You can also add more life-expectancy by downloading mods / DLC's
Quote(even though its thought to be that way

i know it got a high replay value for some people (friend of mine played it through like 3 times) but for me it was all about the exploring and i DL'd the goty edition with all DLCs and got bored real quick. its a personal thing mate, no need to hate
Downloading it with my wireless at FULL STEAM so I havent played it yet but I have been lurking gaming sites (/v/) concerned on it and it seems to be a lot more tougher than Fallout 3. Which is a good thing of course, cant wait to get to play it.

- Filled with bugs and glitches but so is every earlier Fallout-game, just need to wait for the armada of patches / MODS...
- Unused space in the world map :( Its like they didnt finish doing the wasteland ;_;
- People have complained that the colors are even more dull than in F3 but I think thats how it would look after a nuclear war.. Ofc there will be a patch to make the world more greener, just there was for F3
fallout could have been so much more epic of it had a proper engine
Yeah it's bad
you are too
2004 xp and still suck at fallout
i don't like fallout
so you get shot in the head and survive wtf? :D
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